Can we give Void Elves the Green Eyes?

The Midnight expansion will be next after TWW, so it’s just the right time to continue making our requests.
You should do the same thing in the blood elf thread. :wink:

I will always want more customizations.

I would like void elves brought up to the level of the other three Legion Allied race – they’re decidedly underloved in comparison when you look at options – though I’d prefer unique assets and I have zip zap diddlysquat interest in green eyes. I’d like to see the short elves on the level of Lightforged, Highmountain, and Nightborne as far as choices, especially ones that aren’t just copy pasted.

I also have a list of things I’d like to get for the others, but my main focus in these threads is to keep pushing for customizations and to keep reminding Blizzard that FASHION is the evergreen endgame.


No they’re not…

They’re alleria customizations.

Once paladins become available you can be one as you are now…

Like I said, belves have gold eyes because of the sunwell. There are no valves or alliance helves living in SM to have enough exposure


Void elves are blood elves. They need customizations that reflect their origins.

They were blood elves.

As in past tense.

Like how LFD were regular draenie but no longer.

So no gold eyes for you.

Amazing how helfers wanna just keep blurring the lines even more.


They will always be Thalassian elves from Silvermoon.

Lol yeah and they’re from the horde…

It’s a horde capital


Maybe Silvermoon will be a neutral capital in Midnight.

This i agree upon. They are essentially the same except very little different customizations and racials at this point. Although i don’t think a race tag is needed, maybe do what the pandaren’s did and name the rep under the faction on what they align with.

The “visual distiction” is normal skin tones, natural hair colors and blue eyes. It’s already done on both sides except maybe hair styles.

Nozdormu is a NE with pale skin btw. I haven’t looked at alextraza’s I beleive is closish to NE female ones ( granted i didn’t take a hard look at her stances mostly because she bores me)

We had the same “dreams”. I just do not beleive HE’s should had been put in VE’s. Hurts VE’s theme too much. Always sought another way.

But that time passed. And no, there is no point on adding a standalone HE race in a game where wildhammers cannot be their own race.

Yeah and then you still wouldn’t have gold eyes because velves can’t be near the sunwell.

That’s literally the story of your recruitment scenario


The sunwell is not in Silvermoon.

Um no… But it’s part of silvermoon, lol what…

Is Alaska not a state?

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He never said it was? Rommath exiled Umbric and Co. from Silvermoon yes, because even though the Sunwell isn’t in Silvermoon, it is in Quel’Danas, just north of Silvermoon. Alleria got to visit it because Lor’themor didn’t want to deny her the right to see the Sunwell as a high elf, and we found out why that was a bad idea. Which only justified Rommath’s decision. If you don’t want certain people to have access that even your leader would’ve given them access to as a sort of birthright of their people, why would you want them in your city where they could easily head over on their own and cause bad things to happen?

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Technically from a lore perspective, Void Eyes can’t have green eyes as they were cured of the tainted Sunwell influence before leaving to be study how to harness and control the void. And this is one of the problems with how our toons are portrayed in the WoW story.

Canonically, Blood elves had green eyes due to the tainted Sunwell. A result of their addiction to its power. When the Sunwell was purified and returned to a font of Light and Arcane, their green eye faded and were instead became golden eyes which reflected the Sunwell being a font for Light. In story, all Blood Elves technically lost their green eyes, even if it’s not shown.

The issue arises is that our toons are essentially removed from the main story time line. So Blood Elves can have green eyes, even if they were made yesterday, despite Blood Elves no longer being under the influence of the tainted Sunwell. We can still customize our toons to reflect everything as it was from the very beginning obviously, with additional customization to show the progress through the game each race makes.

This applies to Void Elves in that the elves we play are all technically Blood Elves who leave the Horde after the Sunwell was purified, meaning they lost their green eyes just as the Blood elves in story did. It can be thought of that our Void Elf was an NPC prior to us starting them, and the NPC was cured of the tainted Sunwell’s influence.

And because of that, Void Elves technically can’t have green eyes.

The sunwell is in Quel’danas.

Which is silvermoon territory, thus horde territory…

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Quel’danas is neutral territory.

No it’s not…

It’s horde territory.

The alliance helped to push back the legion in TBC. But it’s horde territory.

Is orgrimmar neutral when the alliance helped get rid of garrosh in mop?


The horde and the alliance will together protect Quel’Thalas at Midnight. The alliance will also need a capital in Quel’Thalas.

Nozdormu’s model has never been explained.

It’s taller and stronger than a normal High Elf, but he’s not a Night Elf either; the ears are wrong. I’ve seen two popular theories regarding his visage form.

  1. He’s what the Highborne looked like after they first began to change once they’d left Kalimdor. Kind of the missing link between Night Elf and High Elf.

  2. His visage form is of a race of elf that doesn’t exist yet in the timeline, but was determined by something that exists in the future.

If we’re talking skeletons, Alexstraza/Ysera’s models are based on female Blood Elves (Sylvanas and Alleria, I believe, both use the same model). Yes, Nozdormu’s model is based on male Night Elves.

But again, that’s just one way I would be fine with another, “new,” elven race. Visual distinction. New body types. Even if they have the same natural skin tones and hair styles, if the silhouette is sufficiently different, that provides enough distinction for me to feel it’s worthwhile.

I’d rather they just consolidate Blood Elves and Void Elves though. The name plate would also be nice. A player could be a Blood Elf, a Void Elf, a San’layn, or a High Elf based on the nameplate/racial selection.