Can we give Void Elves the Green Eyes?

Void Elves will need the Golden Eyes customization when the Paladin class becomes available to all races.:wink:


Honestly, one could also just spare oneself all the whining about certain colors etc. by ripping off the bandage at once and finally allowing all races to become neutral, instead of defining loyalty in this game based on appearance. I think it’s unnecessary to elaborate further on how outdated and questionable such a notion is. Then everyone can play out whatever they want.

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They certainly will, as other races have subrace-customization available to them as well.

Contrary to belief this is nothing “sacred”.


Belves have gold eyes cuz of the sun well, not cuz they’re paladins


I would not mind this (personally) but I do not think this is the direction the game is taking, IMO.

Well, looking at the current state:

Blood/Void Elves for the Alliance
Night Elves/Nightborne, female humans, female Worgen reskin and soon dwarves for the Horde

It seems they prefer to put cheap copy & paste versions into the other faction instead. Not really a fan of such a method. :person_shrugging:


It overcomplicates things, especially when it comes to customization. :cry:

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So high elves should also have blue and/or gold eyes ?

At this point I don’t really see why they don’t just make all belf/velf customizations available to all Thalassian elves overall. They are the same model so it shouldn’t be that big of a deal honestly, just give all belf hair colors/styles to the Velves, all Velf hair colors/styles, eye colors, etc. The only thing I could see not working is the void tendrils on Belves or the Velf skin colors on Belves (the blue/grey/purplish skins original to Velves, whatever color you want to call it) mainly because it would make no sense for a velf to be running around in Silvermoon (well till Midnight I guess).

Personally I RP my Velves more as Ex Pat Belves. They acknowledge thier heritage and the fallen, they just don’t agree with the politics of home (or…a couple of Warchiefs) so they moved to the Alliance lands to live. And green (not fel green but green) was lorewise an eye color that they may have pre-fel (looking at you Alleria! Its in the books her eyes were green naturally not blue! Lor’themar’s were brown even!) so why not let green be available to the Velves? As I said, at this point just let both share all customizations.


The factions are at peace, so… I mean, if we’ve got Thalassian Dark Rangers on both sides, I don’t see why Void Elf customizations couldn’t be given to Blood Elves. If nothing else it’d expand on some of the Dark Ranger options, since Void Elf options feel like they work well with the undead options to a degree.

Like I said before, just give every race every color for their eye color and be done with it. Let players decided, “Oh my eyes are gold because I’m a priest,” or, “Oh my eyes are black because I’m a shadow priest,” or what have you.


They should really just add color wheels to hair and eyes and hell skin too why not


Plus body sliders… it’s 2024, not 2004… just saying.


If you want to play High/Blood Elves so badly, the horde is that way. Seriously lol


Just play Horde. High Elves are there, if you want to have the entire High Elf repertoire of customizations.



Void elves should also have all blood elf hair colors.
The void elves should recruit blood elves with blue, pink, green hair… :laughing:

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Hair color is like eye color: just let every race have every color type.

Not even Chris Metzen himself will convince me that in Azeroth’s long history, some Goblin Alchemist failed to invent hair dye.


I have always found it odd how so often people that claim they are High Elf fans don’t wanna play the actual High Elf race just because it’s on Horde side, lol.


Just want to throw this out there.

One race getting something does not mean no other races can get attention.
Its not all or nothing.

Secondly, if you actually care about other races getting stuff, then actually take the time to advocate for it outside of when someone talks about their race.
Want mechagnomes to get stuff? Make a thread asking for it.
Dont moan that someone asked for a different race to get something.

Sometimes it feels like this community is nothing but 5 year olds.


I do get that, though.

Horde stinky.

But like… night elves are way better, anyway. :wink: