Can we give Void Elves the Green Eyes?

This is an absolutely terrible argument considering it’s been longer for certain races that did get customizations previously and even some such as Kul Tirans, Vulpera, Dark Iron Dwarves and Mechagnomes that have yet to get any new customizations at all.


The Void Elves have been abandoned by the developers on purpose. It’s the only race which hasn’t access to their heritage weapons.

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Actually, Dark Irons got a few new hair and skin colors in 10.1, and Kul Tirans and mechagnomes got dark skin options in 9.0 along with the other human and humanlike races. But yes, it was all just new hues, not any new hairstyles, jewelry, tattoos, etc. and vulpera couldn’t even get that.

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Actually Kul Tiran have gotten nothing new except for bald head hair option and blind eyes, they started with 6 eye colors, 7 hair colors and 6 skintones and they still have the same amount of them with nothing new added to them and I don’t consider bald head or blind eyes as actual options when every other race got the same thing.

As for Mechagnome I don’t know for sure because I have never played one so I have mostly just have went along with what others have said and with Vulpera well I know how bad of a situation they are in because they have always felt unfinished and lacking with customizations because even something as simple as earring options doesn’t exist for them just a generic one where it’s either you use it or you don’t have them.


Sure, why not.

To be fair, my comment was mostly focused on the, “receives regular updates.” The Void Elves have received two updates, with most of those being copy/pasted assets from another race. Alone among Allied Races they had no “extra” customizations when they were added to the game (only having skin/hair color, hair style, face, and beard/jewelry options). Today that largely remains true, with their only “unique” customization option being the tentacle toggle which… didn’t even add tentacles to hairstyles without them so… again, nothing new added.

I think Blood Elves have received I think three customization updates thus far (although to be fair, their customization passes have been almost as piss poor). They got gold eyes, then a lackluster pass with some new hairstyles, beards, and jewelry options for the women, then they got purple eyes, and most recently, four new hair colors.

As has been noted, every race has received something new at least once, with the exception of the Void Elves who’s customization passes brought nothing new to them, just copy/pasted pre-existing assets onto them.

I’m fine with other races getting more attention first, but this idea that the Void Elves have been receiving, “regular updates,” is pretty poor.

I really don’t expect anything new for Void Elves until Midnight, and even then I’m waiting to see if Blizzard doesn’t just combine them with Blood Elves.

Because one constantly sees here how people cry over the poor Blood Elves having to share trivial things like hair colors, eye colors, etc., while the Horde gains several Alliance races plus two Alliance cities/towns.
It’s very noticeable that such people have never seen any other game than WoW, where things like… believe it or not, color palettes exist. Here, people argue about individual shades. :roll_eyes:
Apart from that, Blood Elf fans aren’t losing anything when others have access to the same things. Usually, you learn to share in kindergarten. Some seem to be a bit late to the party.

  1. Silvermoon is probably becoming neutral
  2. The problem is when they add things for the alliance that are to the expense of BEs. Which happens all the time, they keep adding non-BE accessible thalassian content through the years. Not to mention Valeera, the most well known BE in the franchize, is all but Alliance.

This is true. I was so happy when we got Golden Eyes - goes better with my Mog than Green.

You guys copied just about everything else, take the green eyes. But can we have some your facial hair styles?

I want a mustache without the chin patch, but Blizz doesn’t give Blood Elves that option - even though Void Elves and Male Dracthyr do

I don’t see why not. I mean, there is nothing about Void Elf facial hair that makes it impossible for just about any other race to style their own facial hair in that manner.

Can we just pack the void elves up and mail them back to Silvermoon with a note of apology?

Or would they just void-portal out of the box?

Its also strange that draenei got a void-eyes option and void elves apparently don’t. :thinking:

We would put a note on top that says:

“Porch Pirates - Please Take”

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Do not send back. Address them to… checks… Anywhere but here.


What about all the night elf stuff for the Horde? Transmoggs all over the now neutral night elf home, a warden set, a warden mount etc.? What about Gilneas becoming neutral, with no flight point for the Alliance, yet a flight point for the Horde? What about updated night elves in form of nightborne for the Horde? What about the female human model for the Horde? The female Worgen reskin? Dwarves for the Horde without a Horde counterpart for the Alliance? But giving void elves blood elf stuff? OMG, NOOOO! PROTECT THEM AT ALL COSTS!!! :rofl:


I don’t care, go away with your whataboutism, as I said before I’m not talking about general horde vs alliance stuff, I don’t even like dwarves, I wish we wouldn’t get the stupid earthen.


That’s fine. But here you’re complaining about an eye color, while the devs are throwing tons of Alliance stuff towards the Horde without giving anything in return. That’s extremely petty. But you do you. :person_shrugging:


I’m not, go back and read my posts.I will not reply to you again.


What if we cram as many man’ari eredar as we can fit in there, too. The ones on the bottom might not survive, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take.

Free to a good home.

This is why v/helfers are a joke and everyone makes fun of you.

OP will find a reason to ask for gold eyes too I’m sure.


Seconding this.

The homage to Sylvanas’ gray-blue eyes from the Tides of Darkness model with the white sclera was wonderful, and it would be nice to toggle the glow off and on to show this. High elves at Quel’Danil Lodge do not even use magic and would most likely not have an attunement resulting in glowing eyes unless lore is written otherwise in the future.

There should be more shared between Horde high elf<->Alliance high elf in terms of customization options; it would be a net positive and allow people to enjoy their characters as desired.