Can we get updates for the forsaken in TWW

seeing a forsaken paladin is about as helpful to the mentally ill as telling someone with depression to go on a walk or do yoga imo

I have to disagree! Our vision tells us a lot about the world we interact in! Last I checked, it would probably be inappropriate to taste, smell, or touch a stranger!

Idk how you derive this from what I said.

I’m saying you cannot just tell that a stranger has a mental illness on sight alone.

For example, If you saw me you probably would think I don’t have any mental illnesses. Lol.

Forsaken here,yeah no,please just stop while you’re ahead.

As a Person of The Light, please stop colonizing and appropriating my culture, thanks.
My culture is not a costume.


I read all of that post, I wish I hadn’t.


Well, those Forsaken still have the ability to cannibalize humanoid. So what about that?

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That’s actually a good point! I suppose as a matter of survival, forsaken can take a life as well! Paladins of any race can still kill as a matter of survival though.

As someone that has suffered with moderate to severe depression and has attempted suicide 17 times and lived. Maybe I am Forsaken but comparing me to a Forsaken because I might have a mental illness (I’m old enough that this was considered the norm) doesn’t sit right with me.

I’ve lived with my symptoms for over 40 years, and I had a long stretch where I was ok. Sadly, with recent event’s, don’t qualify for un-employment or Social Security and Disability and about to face eviction from my house that I purchased 20 years ago (only 29k left to pay off). Couple with having fingers amputated in January, finding stuff I can do that I qualify for is hard in my town.

I definitely have my ok days, and bad days. People will tell me to talk to a counselor and I have always found to be judged by them and find it easier to talk face to face or in the forums about my health issues to be more helpful.

Sorry probably went off topic, but the title did say Mental Health Awareness, and someone above did mention that people with the issue might not want to be labeled as a Forsaken.

Thank you for sharing. I absolutely wish you the best. My post summarized was simply this:

When you see a forsaken paladin, it could be a very subtle reminder about mental illness. Not necessarily that that particular forsaken has mental illness in real life

If you don’t mind me asking what about a Forsaken Paladin. Would make people automatically think mental Illness even subtlety. When you see Kul Tiran do you subtlety think over eater? Mechagnome do you think amputee? I’m just curious as to why you believe a Forsaken wanting to be a Paladin is a flag for mental illness.

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Hmm. I don’t know how else to describe my thoughts, other than what I posted and in my responses to others asking similar questions

Edit: I thought about your response a little more and I realize you were being sarcastic about the kul titans being over eaters, but I suppose perhaps you do kind of have a point.

When I see kul Tirans, I suppose I do consider blizzard’s celebration of under represented body types

When I see dragons, I do sometimes consider them as transgender, since by appearance alone, it’s hard to tell

When I see dragon human forms, I sometimes do consider them as blizzard’s celebration of homosexuals

When I see vulpera (an other animal race types) I sometimes do consider (etc etc)

While blizzard made no formal announcement, given some of the conversations that were happening at the time, I’ve always understood particular races and visages to represent conversations that were happening

Conversely, if mental health awareness were to become a larger conversation, then I thought that a forsaken paladin could represent the struggle that some go through (forsaken), but also the daily fight against evil/illness (paladins).

I suppose it could seem far-fetched to some, but I also think a lot of people
In here are making much ado, over a well meaning post

I think this is a certainty in TWW, with the “internal struggles” of each character, such as Thrall’s Elemental Dysfunction, Anduin’s Traumas, Alleria’s Duality, etc.

“The War Within” is a title with two meanings.

Wait what? Thralls “elemental dysfunction”?

The name of this term is almost a “meme,” but it’s still true.

It’s basically Thrall’s difficulty in communicating/using elemental powers ever since his battle against Garrosh.

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This line here makes me assume you are trolling or in the very list shizza posting.

Almost, you say?

As someone who has both emotional disabilities and is neurodiverse I personally would have to disagree with this. I do not believe that fighting for your beliefs no matter if everyone else has given up on you. Or persevering through the pain makes someone mentally ill. But those are just my thoughts