Can we get updates for the forsaken in TWW

Am I the only one who sees your profile pic in a shocking shade of pink?


My apologies! I will edit!

Probably, but in fairness it was a point destined for the island of misfit points.

It’s because you’re technically seeing her “through” the glow on her staff.

The camera for our profile icons is positioned such that gnomes and goblins can be completely hidden behind certain weapons, mainly staves and other 2hers.

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You are not.

I r b speshul.

And to wit, I’m pretty sure my weapon and enchant are the why.

Tell no one.


To blizzard: I was apparently misinformed by using the hyphenated “trans-sexual”. I would like to edit the word to transgender, but it appears I can’t edit the post!

There are quite a few characters who struggle with their mental health. Anduin would be a major one, his struggles even relate to his connection with the Light a little bit. Heck, the game has quite a few examples of characters with PTSD, both major and minor.

my cabbages! its that dam avatar again

No doubt he’s been through a lot! My thought process, was that if forsaken could be updated to be paladins and upright, it would serve as a reminder for mental health awareness

And you just told us. Secret broken by author.

oh boy.

i took them all.

Broccoli is better. :broccoli:



Rightio. I have no idea how you came to that conclusion, but you do you.

P.S. regarding the vege debate above: brussel sprouts are the best

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Well, with other under-represented groups, they’re pretty easy to identify after particular updates in the game

But how could you nod to mental health awareness, without losing immersion?

When you see a forsaken paladin, it could be a very subtle reminder about mental illness. Not necessarily that that particular forsaken has mental illness in real life

as someone who doesnt wish to be around very much, would be a weird way of rep
nice bait i guess

A race representing mental illness?

Fine, blood elves and narcissistic personality disorder!

Heavy /s

Tbh, I don’t think a race should be tied to mental illness. It’s disrespectful both ways.

I don’t see how blizz putting in undead standing upright and having paladins is mental health awareness.

I love brussel sprouts! To me they look like cute mini cabbages!

When you see a forsaken paladin, it could be a very subtle reminder about mental illness. Not necessarily that that particular forsaken has mental illness in real life

Yeah, um no.

When you see anyone it could be a ‘reminder of mental illness’. Not everything is visual. You can’t just see that someone has a mental illness.

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