Can we get updates for the forsaken in TWW

I feel called out but you have my attention. On a real note, I just want facial hair customization on my Forsaken.

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Yea really. They still have full heads of hair. Most of them

I agree with WoW needs Forsaken Paladins (always have), but I have no idea how that relates to mental illness!


I play Forsaken, I’m not suffering from any mental conditions. Please go away with this stuff, don’t hijack Forsaken to turn them into some awareness symbol. This is a game not some information outlet.

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The lore of the Forsaken doesn’t match well being a Paladins. The Forsaken is all about evil . Not good . Paladins are about the holy light . Forsaken would use the holy light for evil .

But, one would hope at least that you can see that it can be taken as you are comparing Forsaken paladins being a subtle reminder about mental illness" yeah either way it really does sound like you are equating the two.

There are better ways to bring awareness than comparing it that way.

Anduin is doing a good enough job of whqt you are describing.

Forsaken Holy Priests would like to have a conversation.

Undead Holy Priests are not using their talents for evil.

Did you drink too much fel?

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No Im not,never have been