Can we get updates for the forsaken in TWW

Blizzard you’ve come a long way and deserve some recognition for your character model updates that help represent the various ethnicities across Azeroth.

In Dragonflight, you’ve shown much needed (and deserved) attention to homosexuals and transgenders. Whether intentional or not, one could even argue that you’ve done more to help the furry community feel more represented as well.

With the upcoming themes of TWW, perhaps you could show a little more appreciation and attention to those who suffer from mental illness? I can’t think of a race of Azeroth better fitted to be your in-game representatives for mental health awareness, than the forsaken.

The character model updates some years back, as well as the heritage armor kits were a nice gesture, but it’s time for upright forsaken and Paladin forsakens.

To hell with the light harming the forsaken! Lo, they already harness the light as priests! Would it not be a grand gesture to show, that after all of the hardships that the cruel gods of Azeroth have bestowed upon them, that there are still not steadfast and firm believers of the light, amongst them!?

Would it not be a grand gesture and nod to those that suffer from mental illness, to allow their forsaken characters to remain warriors of the light and fight evil with holy hammers, despite all that they’ve lost and suffered?

It’s been a long time Blizzard. Indeed, perhaps too long. We have Tauren Rogues Rogues now. The forsaken went through a couple-years-long-campaign into the southern regions and learned how to harness Chi from the pandaren, yet cannot harness the light from which they came?

Please consider mental health and those who struggle, yet fight the good fight everyday. Please update the forsaken as the newest entry for hammer-wielders of the light……and make them available as upright forsaken too please.

Not as an allied race. Not as something similar to forsaken that can be paladins. But ACTUAL forsaken paladins….that can also be upright. Thanks blizzard!


I reread, because I thought I had missed the logical connection between mental illness and undead paladins, and nope, I didn’t miss it. It’s just not there.


I’m pleading the case for those who’ve become the forsaken, forgotten by their guiding light, that they have not lost their faith and want to join the fight against evil, not only with staves and spells as priests, but with melee weapons as well, as paladins

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I am undead, I don’t suffer from a mental illness. When I talk about fighting with my demons I really am talking about demons. Lazy imps never wanting to water the cabbages.


I was getting a “Religion cures mental illness!” vibe.

Which I vehemently disagree with.

Correct me if I’m wrong though.


No doubt, many forsaken have forsaken the light and literally are fighting with demons, but surely not all amongst them have!

Yeah, idk if Forsaken players without mental illness are gonna be okay with you labeling them as such.

Neither will mentally ill folks be okay with being compared to Forsaken, aha.

C’mon, I feel like you could’ve given it a bit more thought before typing this out, lol.

I understand the sentiment, but idk if this is the correct way to go about it.

Mentally ill = Zombie, doesn’t seem right lol


Just say you want forsaken paladins and upright forsaken. It’s reasonable and doesn’t require being stapled to some weird attempt at DEI to make it a valid request.


The light and religion are different things. Much as the void and religion are different things. Yet one could start a religion and follow the void

I believe they’re on record that universal race unlocks for at least paladins, shaman, and druids are on the way, they’re just not a top priority in the development cycle and require additional art assets for various class features before they can be launched. That said, paladin is likely either next up, or coming after shaman, since druid forms are certainly going to be the most time-consuming feature to expand to all new races.

I have also personally been pushing for Forsaken paladins to be a playable option since Wrath.

That said, I am very much not sold on equating the Forsaken as a representation of mental illness and neurodivergence, especially as they have a long history of being used as a “token evil teammate” race which plays uncomfortably with real life history of demonizing such conditions.


Just say you are making another post about Undead Paladins instead of haphazardly connecting it to other social issues. There is no need to be underhanded. I want VE Paladins. Others want Nightelf or every other race as well. It’s a known want for there to be all race paladins and most other classes.

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Yeah, I don’t know. I don’t think that a player who would choose to be Paladin Undead should be labeled as mentally ill.

Go back to the drawing board on this one.

Forsaken do not have to be a hive mind

Well, it’s a creative bait

I guess


Right? Like It took a moment to click, but when it did I was like “Oh…”

I need someone with trust level three to post the dude laughing then frowning when they get it.

Undead are just envious of teh Bubble/Hearth.

It’s transgender. The word you used makes it seem like they transitioned because they like sex.


Surely after the events of Shadowlands and seeing what is to come, many had a re-awakening of sorts?

I just watched the OP get their post flagged and hidden in real time, as I was reading it. :rofl:


You missed the point completely. And that’s okay!