Can we get solo activation for Wrath Heroic Defense Protocols?

Currently in order to run Wrath heroics with Defense Protocol Alpha, Beta, or Gamma activated you are required to have a full 5 person party. This feels like an oversight with the Cataclysm launch, I think it should probably be changed to allow one person to activate it.


lol why? because you want raid loot without entering the raid? QQ blizz should have never released that trash in the first place!!! go find a different gold farm

People want it for transmog.


they had all of wotlk to farm the transmogs lol

Remove the restrictions blizz!


Cataclysm brought new players. They added transmogs in cata, its old content. theres no reason to have any restrictions on them.


Hit me up on Monkeytime-Grobbulus (Alliance) or Gammaspamma-Benediction (Alliance) if you’re down to do gammas.

Because 10 man loot from WotLK raids outside of ICC are now in dungeons that are accessible by activating the Titan Rune which requires you to have 4 other players.

Currently, all 10 man loot from Naxxramus, Eye of Eternity, Obsidium Sanctum, Ulduar and Trial of the Grand Crusader are locked behind this requirement, either remove the requirement or put the loot back into 10 mans.


I want achievements. Not sure why you’re upset.


Why didnt you farm the gear when it was current or when it dropped in heroic 5mans?

You had time to do this in WoTLK very easily now you can go form a group of 5 and get it done.

Because transmog wasn’t in the game at that point, I only thought about transmog during ICC and no one was running Titan Rune Alpha or Beta dungeons either so all loot from 10 man Naxx and Ulduar still wouldn’t be easily accessible.

Also bag space, I had the biggest bank you can get in WotLK which are 7 Portable Blackholes each granting 24 bag slots, plus the 28 you get by default (forget if authenticator increases it still) means I have a bank with 196 slots. Despite me having such a bank size my bank going into Cata was already quite full of transmog from ICC among other things such as Mage tier 0-10 which took up a substantial amount of slots.

As for why didn’t I keep them when the content was current well… I had no need to at the time, I got rid of most items that weren’t teir but now there’s a reason to keep them or at least to obtain them for 2 minutes before promptly vendoring it for transmog.

The fact that they’re in dungeons but you still need 5 people to activate the Titan Rune is honestly a huge oversight that Blizzard has with the system, especially so when RDF got added and it auto activated when entered.

Either remove the need for 5 people to activate it or return the loot back to 10 mans.


Edit: Despite me having such a bank size my bank going into WotLK > Cata…


sounds like a person problem form a group and quit crying

What a way to just dismiss the whole issue, how long do I need to wait to find 4 other people for Alpha, Beta and Gamma dungeons? Because on my server I can tell you right now that I’d be waiting the entirety of today, tomorrow and the day after for a group.

To say just form a group and quit crying is quite honestly laughable, I’m not crying about it I have a transmog I’m satisfied with, me posting in this thread is me sympathizing with the OP in how needing 4 other people to activate a Titan Rune is a huge oversight on Blizzards end.

I don’t understand how you can be so uncaring and callous to a problem with a simple solution.


Previous mid expansion raid loot, people clearly want the transmog


I can answer that question… the dude is a basement dwelling, hot pocket/pimple cream troll. He’s mad his mom raised his rent 10.00 a


lol cry about wanting catch up mechanics and now you cry that you can obtain the loot because its locked behind a 5man dungeon that needs 5 people to activate. Blizz caters to the casuals and then the casuals cry the next expansion. checks out.

Just gonna fix what you said rq.

What are you on about mate I never asked for Titan Rune dungeons to be a thing, Believe it or not but I raided on two characters for the majority of WotLK. The only catch up mechanic I made use of were the Defiler’s Scourgestones and that was for my Rogue which I didn’t raid with in WotLK but wanted to prepare it for Cataclysm.

I don’t think anyone asked for Titan Rune dungeons, Blizzard added them without anyone saying anything. They noticed that dungeon participation got lower the longer the expansion goes on for and decided to add something to help mitigate that. Personally I think it was a successful, Titan Runes, sidereal Essenses and especially Defiler’s Scourgestones 100% mitigated the drop off with players in dungeons, no doubt RDF also helped but still.

And again, I’m not crying, I have a transmog that I’m satisfied with (do you even read what I post?) I’m merely sympathizing with the OP that 10 man loot from Naxx, Ulduar and Trial of the Grand Crusader are locked behind the requirement of needing 4 other people to unlock it. Again, either remove the restriction or move the loot back into 10 mans where they were originally.

Since you’re not even replying with anything of meaning then I guess this is my last response to you, you’re pretty much only trying to goad me but you’re very poor at it. If you have nothing of note to say then just say nothing and move on.

Why do you care? Kook

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Why are you so vehemently bashing this post?

They simply want access to transmog. It doesn’t affect you.

yeah if they want access to transmog form a group like everyone else does