Can we get rid of the awful M+ squish changes please?

Its the same with shadow. If you dont have shadow crash, you are tab dotting lol.

I made a dnd cast @self macro for my dk to help alleviate having to drop it every time. Makes a massive difference in raid and m+ since its literally a button press. Not an aim thing.

Id definitely recommend the focus target, stuff like that is invaluable.

It’s just like people barely able to do +2s talking down to everyone as if they are masters at the game.

I don’t understand these people.



Yeah I had one set up in Shadowlands but i hated it. I just need to be willing to fiddle around, but I am



Ewww lol being able to place it is a strategic move! Break this habit! Lol

Weird…im the one struggling in 2s apparently, yet getting invites and doing just fine in 4s at 593 ilvl while youre at 609 and bricking 4s constantly without any situational awareness as to why…hmm

No way you’re getting invites at 593

You just have two on your bars. One for manual, one for @self.

My last 4 Mists i ran last night was 593 :slight_smile: should be updated on io if you wanna go check it out

Thought you said you were lazy?? Lol this sounds like a lot of work :wink:

Selectively lazy tbh, but this wasn’t much work. BDK is light on buttons.

Keep in mind I main Enhance.

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Look at his logs.

He’s barely done two 4s, and had done atrocious dps in a few +2s.

That’s all he’s done, yet he’s talking like somebody who’s done every +10 there is already.

It’s strange.

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I’d like to see logs more than IO

His logs are all grey with a bunch of 10s in +2s.

…but I dont have any logs for 2s? I dont know if i have anything logged honestly

www.warcraftlogs. com/character/us/eredar/grizzle?zone=39


Nah, I’ve mained a dk since wrath.
Strategy is placing yourself in the correct place then dropping dnd.

Your other toolkit does WAAAAAAY more for strategy than preplacing or having to aim dnd.

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Tbf, dungeon logs are even less indicative than regular parses.

And I am not digging through someone’s log details over a discussion about the M+ squish

The point is he’s clearly struggling in +2s and he has no business to try to come in here like some master of the game.

I don’t need to hear advice from someone who hasn’t even done anything past a +5.

That is like getting boxing advice from Steve Urkel.

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Oofta…tell dont know how to read WCL without telling me you dont know lol

Lol thanks for the good laugh.

Ive always liked to drop it where it needs to be , let it get a few ticks before i get there to start in on the benefit and get the rune recharging :slight_smile: to each their own

This is the thread that keeps on giving

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The only issue I have is with gilded requiring a 9 to obtain. This should imo be awarded at a 7 or 8.


You should really learn how to read WCL before trying to use it to back yourself lol you’re making yourself look foolish

Lol ive only got one run logged. Go for it. I dont mind