Can we get rid of the awful M+ squish changes please?

This is nonsense.

Revert it back to how it was so people can actually work their way up to higher keys properly.

We don’t need low keys feeling like +20s.

This is a terrible experience for the vast majority of players.


Would you prefer that they squish the gear instead? Because that’s what they’d do.


I don’t care what they do as long as we can go into low keys without getting annihilated as if it’s a +20.

Low keys are for inexperienced players, so it makes no logical sense whatsoever to have a low key feeling like a +20.



m0 is for inexperienced players and most of the keys up to like 8-10s are pretty tame. so if people are failing low keys then maybe they shouldnt be there.


Where should they be then?

Before the squish, an inexperienced player could run +2-5 while getting comfortable with the mechanics and not getting wrecked by attacks that take them down to 5% health instantly.

After 2-5s they can then do 8-10s, then 15s, then 20s, etc.

Now a M0 is the same as a +10.

Where is the gradual climb up in difficulty?


Was there a survey of the vast majority of players that I am unaware of??


Have you seen that barely anyone is running M+?

What does that tell you?


0s until they learn the mechanics and how to deal with them.

Numbers for the first 2 weeks report differently


0s are the same as 10s.

Where is the climb up to 10?

You just plant inexperienced people into a 10 and expect them to breeze through it?


Heroics give gear equivalent 8-9s.
The jump to 0 is literally a single upgrade track from Heroic gear, as one does with climbing

Yes. They did 85% of it in Heroic already. Theyve already got 85% of the gear to negate the jump in difficulty.Theres no timer. The difference isnt an impregnable fortress.

Its really no different than it was before if you take away the arbitrary numbers associated with “past difficulties”

Edit: here ill show you

DF S1 M0 gear = 372
Normal: 346 = 93%
Heroic: 359 = 96.5%

TWW S1 M0 gear = 593
Normal: 554 = 93.4%
Heroic: 580 = 97.8%

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Having half the key levels being completely useless was a downside. People primarily only ran a few specific key levels because of break points, the rest were useless.

Also you claimed that no one is running M+. Do you have data on the % of players running M+ or are you just throwing that claim out there?


The gear doesn’t matter.

The difficulty from heroic to M0 is massive.

It makes no logical sense.

There is no gradual increase in difficulty for people looking to hop into M+. That is not even debatable right now.

That’s what the Heroic and Mythic dungeon difficulties are for.

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In what universe is a “low key” feeling like a 20. A low key, 2-4, 100% does not feel like a 20.

You likely never did a 20 if you think thats how a 20 is.


I did a +4 Ara Kara last night and everybody was getting 1 shot all over the place in regular groups of enemies before the first boss.

+15-18s in season 3 of Dragonflight (when I played M+) were not doing that at all, unless it was a major ability (which these weren’t).

A +4 shouldn’t have 1 shot mechanics every time you enter combat. That is nonsense.

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Doubt X.

Maybe they shouldnt stand in bad, or maybe your tank should get threat.

a +4 is a +14, 100% would kill ppl in one shot doing either of those things.

Get gud tbh

A M0 is the same thing as a M10 from the old system.

A heroic dungeon is like fighting regular mobs in the open world.

Where is the gradual increase in difficulty for inexperienced players? I am supposed to go from a heroic dungeon which can be completed with blood pouring out of my ears directly into a M10?



Especially when their loot is worse or equal to a tier 8 Delve that I can solo lol

In all seriousness, most of my toons wont be touching M+ in it’s current state. I used to do 1 low key per week on alts for 1 vault slot, that “task” has been replaced with tier 8 Delves. I’m only doing M+ for rewards(want KSM) and crests. Doubt I will do anything higher then maybe a 7

Yeah when I first got into it in Season 3 of DF, I started doing all the dungeons on 2s, then 5s, then 8s, then 10s, then jumped up to 15-18s to get over a 2K rating.

It was a nice climb and I got used to all the dungeons along the way.

Now I jump into a +4 and it’s ridiculous how easily you get annihilated from getting hit 1 time.

It’s terrible. They ruined it for inexperienced players for some reason. As if M+ needed more reasons to keep more casual people out of the playlist.

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