Can we get rid of the awful M+ squish changes please?

I won’t quit.

I will just need to guzzle a lot of booze before doing M+ so that I refrain from spearing my monitor and powerbombing my PC through my desk.

I would, if im not having a good time in a game im going to quit, its basic principles of gaming


Do you have any source for what we’re supposed to do?

Any quote from Blizzard?

Quitting sounds way healthier than what some of the folks here are doing.


The numbers do not change based on what gear you have. Instances do not have ilvl scaling.

That’s grand. I’m not comparing to item level, because that isn’t helpful for the discussion. I’ll even overlook the entirely rear-pulled 580 figure. There is no minimum for M0, and thus there is no way to get an empirical number for the intended starting point.

The jump is still higher than a 2-4 in M+. Regardless of how a character is progressing.

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Are you talking about HEALTH on a World of Warcraft forum?

Sure, why not?

And what I’m saying is that’s a long drawn out per encounter process. Learn what kills you in heroic dungeon A, then heroic dungeons B-H… then learn what kills you in M0’s A-H, them +2’s A-H… on and on.

You can’t expect people to learn things before they kill them, like you’ll never learn not to touch a hot stove if it’s never on. And for new players, M+ is an overwhelming collection of novel stoves.

Would you talk about health while swimming in sewage?

I would. I would tell people to stop swimming in sewage.

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Just make sure you’re enjoying your recreational time.

Its limited, and PCs/furniture gets expensive.

Why would you swim in it then?

Thats what 0s are for.

And anyone who ran keys consistently prior knew the range from like +5 to 9 were completely dead. 2 to 4s were sparatic.
11 to 18 being the prime range. 14s if I remember were what I saw the most of.

So there was just a straight up dead range. Blizz even said as much when they made the change.


And the ‘role’ they would have performed is covered by delves, really.

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We were overgeared last season and the guildies got trounced hard.

580 isn’t cutting it for those who used the 2-10 key bracket as their “end game.”

Except it isn’t. The difficulty is not equivalent to item level.

Heroic dungeons are a faceroll. M0 is far from that and last season, there are dungeons (while we were overgeared, meaning at or above ilevel for the 0s) that brickwalled my guildies. They couldn’t even finish them.

Keep in mind, these are people who were capable of getting up to 12s in season 3 by the end of the season as they worked their way up.

The difficulty jump from Heroic to M0 is significant.


In S3 of DF I ran a lot of 5s-8s to get ready for the new affixes in 10 or 11 or whatever. They certainly weren’t dead.


Yes and no. Delves are very different. My guildies wish they had both, because now they are relegated to Delves. But they also understand that there’s really no way to change it back now.

It just… is what it is now.

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I don’t think the squish is the problem. I think the problem is junk like Challenger’s Peril, the universal CC changes from DF, and so on.

I think the squish is objectively a healthy change for the game. The +2 to +10 range of keys was an absolute wasteland.

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No but the relative difficulty is based on ilvl. Instance: m0 has a scaling modifier of 1. Whats going to be easier to beat that m0 in: 554 ilvl or 613 ilvl? Youre right. The dungeon doesnt change difficulty. So whats going to make it easier? The gear/ilvl

Its not unless you go in undergeared. The scaling is set in stone. The difficulty slider is gear/ilvl.

Having full 580 heroic ilvl gear is equivalent to having full m8-9 gear. What this means have m0 difficulty rewarding you m8-9 gear. You just nullified 8 key ranges worth of difficulty with your rewards.

You have the power of m+ 8
M0 = power of m+ 10

The difference in difficulty scaling from m+ 8 to m+ 10 is 15% (1.59 modifier at level 8 to 1.85 modifier at level 10)

The jump is only a 15% (the same jump from m+2 to m+4)

I get the analogy you’re working with here. But I don’t consider wow to be toxic. I don’t swim in sewage, so considering the hypothetical is unnecessary. I do know if I saw kids swimming in the canals behind where I went to school I would tell them to stop, because it’s extremely unhealthy. And I know that if I see people being made frustrated or miserable playing a video game, the most ideal thing to recommend is quitting. Telling people to git gud is pointless because their frustration is already peaked to the point of being on the forums, but quitting is always actionable and completely within any person’s power to choose.