Not its not. Its doesnt do dmg or isn’t affected by Sub mastery. Its just an annoyance buff you need to keep track of if you aint Sin or Outlaw. And even there Sin need to keep track of it by using envenom
Ok, it’s your opinion.
I think something’s old did not make it less useless. WoW is old, classes are old, mmo genre is old. Should we throw it all to the garbage and ask for new game?
You get the point.
Yeah, excactly! WoW is an ever changing and living game, it’s impossible to throw something from the past and count on to be suddenly magically working.
Would be hurting devs so bad to restore old abilities in new way? Imo Premeditation was an extra good example of good restoring something old. Old name and icon, working similar but in modern, semi automatic, more clever way, having two effects, not one, depending on your situation and choice. Really good idea!
In the same spirit they could change f.ex. Expose Armor. F. ex. instead of buying armor reduction for combo points, it could be passive granting short window adding more armor reduction while Find Weakness buff is working. It’s only an example, but you get the point. Make something more modern, elegant, useful in the recent game, but preserving old character, name and icon.
I think many exciting abilities not in game anymore could be remade that way.
All the bleeding focused abilities Sub had also can be remade that way, so we can go in the “Dark Brew” way or bleeds way, which can’t be dispelled, etc. and so on.
I am perfectly okay with getting rid of slice and dice just for the fact of getting rid of another keybind big slice and dice you will still have 31 other buttons to press.
If you don’t understand the value SND brings to Sub or Outlaw that is fine. But don’t say it doesn’t bring anything to the table.
If you don’t understand the value SND
I do. Its a good buff that we shouldnt have to keep track of every 35sec. Like regular buff that other class has that last 1h.
What am saying is its not a Finisher like you try to pretend it is cause its not
How about if nothing else make SnD a group wide buff like Battle Shout or something with an hour cooldown?
Like, just being around a Rogue and seeing how nimble and fast they attack inspires the rest of your group to attack faster?
I dunno, SnD is ok, as Outlaw I like the ability but I’d rather spend those combo points elsewhere.
I agree. I have always hated slice n dice. just give us like half haste with no button inflation. rogues have enough buttons to press.
SND isn’t like Poisons though so yeah you don’t understand. Thanks for confirming what I suspected.
I would unironically be more excited to save and press for it if it gave 20% haste for the duration.
Lol think whatever. Cause its not really hard to understand the principle of SnD. Yet in your head its a finisher while it still isnt. So you kinda comfirmed nothing except that we dont have same view which is fine
SND is a finisher.
Not sure why people don’t understand this.
SND is a finisher.
But it shouldn’t be. That’s the whole argument against it. We all understand the nature of the buff provided by SnD. We disagree on how it’s implemented.
For what is does, SnD makes more sense as a passive, a cooldown or (my favorite) a raid buff. As a finisher, it’s just not fun or exciting.
I get not wanting to give us such a free substantial boost out the gate. They could make it more fair by making it a ramp up passive – like % IAS per 10 energy spent that falls off in down phases. That way the ramp up is still there, but not the energy/cp investment.
Best udea ive seen yet. I really like the idea of tying it to energy spent even moreso than tying it to CP spent
I wouldnt mind as finisher if they added some kind of Dmg added for each combo point used as well as the 50% speed on auto. But as it is right now its not really rewarding and need rework
SND needs to stay a finisher because if it is not a finisher anymore BlizZard will nerf Rogues hard.
100% agree, this spell ruins all three beautiful rogue specs for me. I wish I saw your post before I made mine three minutes ago! !
yes. remove snd. while youre at it remove combo points and energy as well and just make every ability press on cd with passive damage procs. That will be great for the class im sure.
Forget SnD, I want lock boxes back!