Can we get rid of Slice And Dice?

Oh? What buffs are other classes keeping up?


Well for Outlaw we have 2 buffs to maintain, one should go.
Or combine them or something.

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SnD is hardly even a maintenance buff at all for Outlaw. Most raid fights you usually only need to actually hit the button once or twice and in M+ you should almost never have to recast it unless you’re coming out of a wipe because of CTO; if you have to you can hold CP and just reup it before the next pack. The only exception really is if you’re min-maxing and manually canceling your SnD buff yourself to not lose your alacrity stacks. There’s times where I just don’t care enough to do it and finish a key with 10+ min of slice :joy:.

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Part of me does want to see slice and dice go, but not because it’s difficult or annoying to maintain or because there are better things to spend combo points on. The reality of the situation is that daggers are already suppose to be one of the fastest melee weapons in combat. Ontop of that, rogues boast some of the highest agility in the game. Why then, being the fastest class using the fastest weapon, do we need to buff our attack speed? If daggers feel too slow then their built-in attack delay needs to be reduced. But this throws a giant wrench into the equation. What are rogues going to do with their combo points?

The same things they did in BfA. Tf? SNd wasnt a thing then

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The closest thing to SnD I can think of at the moment is pally’s old Inquisition ability, which was ultimately removed because it was an annoying maintenance buff that would drain HoPo and delay them from using the buttons that were actually fun to press.


Im a new rogue and Like umberen said theres alot of benifits to having SnD. the only thing i kind of see that has some redundancy is alacrity along along side with SnD


No one is arguing the benefits of SnD. It’s the implementation that people disagree with.
As a maintenance buff, it sucks.


Welcome to the order, keep your head on a swivel youngling!

Alacrity is nice , it helps with a lot as a little bonus. More procs , more damage , energy etc. vigor was also changed to 10% to offset the potential big gains in energy regen.

I’m cool with the changes in total. They did a lot to eliminate potential tom foolery is all which is good.


thank you Umberen :blush: all i was trying to point out was we manage 2 buffs that are essentially the same so there is a kind of redundancy between the 2.

They removed savage roar from feral druids because they know it was a boring maintence buff no one likes. I cant help but feel that whenever rogues finally get a dev update, slice and dice will also be removed or reworked into something not boring (rather it just be removed though)


what will we lose if it’s taken way?

we lose a no target combo point finisher
we lose the recuperator healing
we lose the increased attack speed


Also 50% attack speed, 10% energy regeneration, and the other benefits like more applications at poisons and proc chances of stuff. No reason for us to be slower than anyone ever. We are a light armored class built for precision and speed.

We have it built into all 3 to keep the uptime easier, this thread is nonsense and any actual rogue that has been a rogue for a long time knows SnD has a lot of uses.

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I mentioned attack speed, they removed the energy regen from slice and dice.
more poison proccs and chance to procc stuff, falls under increased attack speed. but it’s good to clarify that

Recuperate healing and attack speed loss can be offset in other ways.

The only exclusive thing SnD brings that would be loss is a no target combo finisher


SnD is not just a no target finisher. For a melee class to use a finisher when not on a target it is huge.

So all these people advocating for Rogues to lose SND are asking for NERFS.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Sounds like usual sabotage brother.

I’m never down to prune any class, everyone should have tools to deal with things. I’d only accept more tools like deadly throw or expose armor coming back as choices, not nerfing us further.

Easiest answer is for the prune kid squad to not use an ability instead.
Shadow techniques sucks bad without SnD and the removal of it would make it even worse.


No way they would bring back recupe / expose armor / deadly throw as alternatives either. So SnD is staying.

It’s easy to keep up and still does a lot for us especially us Subtlety kids, shadow techniques is crud without snd .

Not sure how nice it is for the combat kids but I imagine those 10 energy ticks kick in fast for them with SnD too.

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Same time we aren’t druids and they ain’t us.

Any rogue that has rogued forever never wants anything pruned. You should always have a full kit regardless of the class, it’s up to is to decide how and when to use it.