Can we get more LGBT couples in game?

Iconic. :clap:

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Google: Bisexual

Look I’m straighter than an arrow, I just also know the difference between wearing a dress and thinking you’re a gender you aren’t.

Clothes don’t mean squat when it comes to gender. It’s just cloth we use to cover up our naughty bits.

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No,no,no,no,no i smell an agenda

After you google fanfic and rewriting existing narrative.

Again. I don’t have an issue. I just don’t think it was handled right. Thats me and you can hate me for it. But no one should lose any sleep over it.

The quest writers have come out to say Flynn was written as bisexual from the start.


Like you’re only wrong on this front.



It’s on his WoWpedia page but I love looking at his page so here ya go:


Thank you.

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I approve of this message.

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SInce when does being friends rule out romantic investment?


Plz no. Dating someone that indirectly killed your father isn’t romantic.


Yeah. Can we get tyrande x sylvanas please? Maybe valeera x Jaina to

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I wouldn’t mind as long as it doesn’t feel forced/shoehorned in. I’ve unfortunately grown used to companies using LGBT for clout.
Not saying Blizz does, and the twitter tweet posted not too far up shows that it was intended for Flynn to be bi from the getgo which is always nice, I feel like bi guys don’t get as much in terms of being seen in media as such without falling into cruddy stereotypes or doing a “picking one or the other” thing (Bleh
). And speaking as a bi gal myself I’ve seen plenty of those. >3< Tho you just can’t really blame wariness about it initially in general after seeing so many of the “bad eggs” regarding representation.
But a step is a step nonetheless, hopefully they won’t screw it up.

Pretty sure the Wration Anduin thing was what made King Varian Wrynn be like, “I “will” jump off this airship and take my chances with this mob of unstoppable demons”

Mekkatorque and Gallywix

Dude what? You act like any of those characters you listed are straight. Stop assuming stuff, not everything is about your sexual attraction. WoW Has never been about relationships and dating.


It is, yeah, and that’s the point I was making. I’m not saying they’re in love, I know that’s not canon. What I’m saying is it wouldn’t be that far fetched since their friendship is so strong. Despite all they’ve been through they have a very strong bond.

Neither one is gay. Also, Anduin canonically has a thing for dwarf and draenei women.

Necro bad.

Necro bad.

In summary, maybe we can come up with better LGBT ships. Because, as it stands right now, I only have one thing to say;

Necro bad.