Can we get Female satyr? Broken? etc and male Shivarra/Harpies etc

Blizzard’s story is relevant. Blizzard’s games are relevant. Blizzard’s model is relevant.

Stop being offensive.

No one in this thread is minding the Warcraft Universe.

While it is true that it is derived from myths and other stories, no one is actually making a case based on Warcraft Universe.

All they are talking about is the myths or how they are not relevant.

And you are just repeating what someone said above.

Safe journey to you too.

Note that she is said Iam being offensive to quote and double down in something that she said. So that means the person to whom she said that is expected to be offended by that.

Yes we are. We have cited in game female satyr, we have cited encyclopedia and chronicle lore that say there are female satyr and the image of Warcraft 3 female satyr has been posted often.

That is all from the Warcraft Universe.

Because it is is truth and fact!

You argue offensively and without good faith. It is disgusting. Just like other males in here who believe a woman is nothing more than “slapping on some boobs.”

I do not know how, in such times as these, you are still posting such offense.

Wait what?

Warcraft ?! In my general discussion forum of world of warcraft?

Would like to fill the vauthryposting criteria but meh.

Tell me it isnt so…

How dense are you? Like really I mean come on Where do you think you are? We are talking about adding a thing based in WARCRAFT into a game of WARCRAFT we are not talking about Adding a “Half man elephant” race to the game. We are talking about having an established race be brought in and given a model.

Are you delusional or do you legit have everyone on ignore bar the ones that literally and OPENLY admitted to trolling?


How culturally illiterate are you?

Both the Incubus and the Succubus exist in the mythology as gender-specific demons.

What would be dumb as a bag of hair is creating a female Incubus or a male Succubus - much like making a female Satyr and for the same reason.

Mythologically the Satyr basically represents the incarnation of what we now call ‘toxic masculinity.’ They represent un-controlled, hedonistic male ego . They’re ‘bad’. The equivalent toxic female creature was the Harpy, who were half bird, half human female.

sigh I hope you really realize your issue is with Blizzard and not with me. Anyway you admitted to trolling so I wont bother you. Idk why I am responding to someone on ignore.

You can also transform people into Diablo, doesn’t mean the 9 hells exist in WOW.

What are you referring to?

Warcraft 3 Reforged, which is part of canon lore, says otherwise.

Satyr Shadowdancer:

Says the one who knows nothing about Warcraft lore and ignores its existence. Let’s use someone else’s post to reiterate what you want to ignore and what proves everything you say incosequential to this universe:

You also never answered these questions from them either:

What are you hiding? :thinking:

Warcraft isn’t WOW

Nah WoW is just a continuation of Warcraft 3. But the stuff in warcraft 3 exists in WoW as well.

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Show me one female Satyr in WOW.

I will at this point just include it in the OP

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I updated the OP to include Male versions of Shivarra and Harpies etc as well as more female variants (Broken female exist in hearthstone. I see no reason for them not to exists at this point).

More monster variety is always good. (Ok that might sound sexist etc from one perspective but Blizzard has literally admitted to outfitting models by adding extra stuff to them see Sethrak etc) So adding another gender should literally multiply that amount.

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World of ???

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Oh, I’m aware of the cultural misappropriation that passes for “lore” in a gaming company.

As I’ve said many many times, just because a company does it doesn’t make it correct, not stupid beyond belief, or anything else virtuous.


None of what you posted has had Anything to do with warcraft though

You have admitted to trolling and unironically seemingly trolled yourself by being annoyed that you wasted your own time. When we have literally called it out multiple times.


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