Can we get Female satyr? Broken? etc and male Shivarra/Harpies etc

Since you were limited to “appeal to authority” and stuck on “really smart” there, I figured it was my only recourse.

Just responding in-kind to someone who is stuck on “really smart” with an appeal to authority argument in lieu of any actual logic.

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Honestly at this point I don’t even know what you’ll are arguing about. I just wanna fight


Dryads have their own counterpart in this game: Grove Wardens. They aren’t the same.

And so is this. You’re done. Troll somewhere else.

Wrong. Or they’re going to have to rename everything else that’s exactly named because it doesn’t fit your narrow definition.

The fact that people in here are against this for stupid reasons is just telling of how bad GD is nowadays. There’s absolutely no good argument against it in here. Not one. It’s just trolling and insults.

Pathetic to see this thread go down the toilet thanks to three disrespectful individuals.

I mean you are unwilling to accept simple logic.

An image of a wheel from directly along its axis might be considered a “circle” but a “wheel” is not a drawing.

A wheel is a circular shape in 3 dimensions extended along the center point.

All actual wheels are short cylinders, at least in the abstract (discounting the deviations from a straight cylindrical shape needed to keep the tired attached to the wheel).

If it performs the same functions as a wheel then it is basically a wheel.

A wheel can be drawn (Do I need to mention what a drawing is?)

We are talking about the context of the question btw Please dont derail any furher.

What’s pathetic is someone who substitutes appeal to authority for an actual argument.

You’ve absolutely nothing except “Blizzard says so” to back you up.

I’ve got history, linquistic archeology, and multiple technical definitions of the word to back me up.

This thread itself shows the reason why it might be a bad idea.

Do we need to re-invent the wheel?

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Because 3 trolls are against the idea?

Clearly it is an offense to neanderthal culture.

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Female elves are too smart to be corrupted :slight_smile:


That is unironically the best argument against the idea I have seen. A shame it took 237 replies.

all of that stuff is completely irrelevant, man.

this post is about world of warcraft. not greek mythology, not history. all of your arguments are off-topic.

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Wheels, not drawings of wheels (because you’re discussing the materials they’re made of).

Moving the goal post doesn’t make you any less a special kind of smart here.

Roll any wheel over on its side.

It’s a short cylinder.

Because it is a business. Controversy is good business as far as it is not self defeating.

The actual arguments are irrelevant. Existing one on those terms is the problem.

In the context of fictional races. the material is the specifics of the fictional race (features etc) what it is called is still the same It is the name of the thing.

Its heritage is a part of its culture yes but just like humans evolved from monkeys we are not monkeys as humans We are evolved monkeys. Basically.

The objection creating a female “male spirit creature” called a satyr is exactly about the intersection of WoW, Greek Mythology, and history.

One more for the the “very special kind of smart” club.