Can we get Female satyr? Broken? etc and male Shivarra/Harpies etc

If you were eating cornflakes during 911 does that mean the cornflakes industry is responsible for 911?

No. All the names she gave weren’t gendered. Saytr is a gendered name. Try again.

Noo we must always make sure every wheel looks like the original and must be of the same material else they are not wheels but cylinders

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Wheels, at least in the abstract, are cylinders.

They’re very shallow cylinders, but they’re cylinders.

But you’re absolutely perfectly fine with all the other incorrectly used greek references :roll_eyes:

Then don’t call it a satyr. That’s like saying a man is a woman.

Gotto remove Night and Blood Elves now

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And you’re basing this on . . . ?

You really are a special kind of smart.

Wrong wheels are wheels the same way a chain is a chain or a trash can is a trash can

Did greek satyrs come from corrupted night elves?


Then I guess WoW’s satyrs aren’t greek, which means they aren’t bound to Greek mythology.


So you think wheels are 2-dimensional?

Another person who’s a very special kind of smart chimes in.

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Your own example does harm to your argument. You are aware that J.R.R. Tolkien used the word “man” in a racial sense when he crafted his own fantasy world, yeah?

For example; Eowyn, a woman, is of the race of men.

The word “satyr” can be used in the exact same way if someone wanted to adapt it as such.

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you mean dryads

also check out the Legion collector’s editions behind the scenes DVD, the devs explained why that concept art exists
They stated that DH was originally going to be a Hero class that came with a new race, Satyr. DH was going to be Satyr only BUT they did not finish rigging and animating the new race in time for Legion launch so they scrapped it and instead just gave some customizations to elves and made them elves instead
 they scrapped Satyr playable race

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Reduced to ad hominem, awesome.

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How to say you lost an argument without saying you lost the argument

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i bet your invited too all the parties with that attitude


That is in regards to shape but yes wheels can be 2 dimensional if drawn on a 2d plane. Grow up or just stop it with your insults a deranged monkey could read between the lines

Short for humanity and mankind

Linguistic style.

Two completely different things.

If they’re named “satyrs” then they are.

Simple as that.

If WoW wishes a unique lore with a unique creature as a result, they should name it uniquely.


Two good examples of “almost a real thing” things that were given “almost the same name” names.

They’re aware of the need to do this. I just don’t think the person or team responsible for this has any clue what a “satyr” really represents.

Another reason then