Can we get Christ Metzen back as lead came dev?

Aw shreds, are we friends again? lol

Your doggies are gorgeous.

I was thinking today why dogs are so superior to cats. Not only are they physically more attractive but they know they can take out weak cats ez clap - but they’re better then that. Let the lesser ones think they’re gods. Well, most of them. :wink:

shreds liked my comment but not sure he will see this lol

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you guys should get a room…


Let him turn a blind eye to his friends’ bad behavior in their new company.

God, I am so opposite. If someone wants proof I am going the other direction.

Accept for finger boi. well, my tattoo anyway. can’t tell other toon names bc ppl are nuts.

This take is always funny to me because Metzen just stole from Greek, Norse and Lovecraft. That’s all the base lore of WoW was/is.

Man, it’s ppl like you that remind me no matter how awesome you’re someone is going to rake you through the coals.

No leg to stand on?

Just talking out of your…

Oh lord.

No, my friend, word was certainly already out about the allegations regarding Cosby. Not ALL of them, not the big lawsuit, but the allegations were brewing long before the excrement hit the fan. I even heard them and I am a old nobody from the Midwest who doesn’t pay close attention to celebrity gossip.

And given the documented behaviors of those Blizz guys do you actually believe they were referencing just sweaters? Dude. Don’t be naïve. Naming a room “The Cosby Suite” is exactly the kind of thing slimy, sexist, emotionally-stunted nerd boys with power would do. It’s so spot-on that nobody at Blizzard is a good enough writer to make it up, lol.

Besides, we need NEW people who have a vision for the future. Nostalgia is a trap because you can never go back; you think you can recapture something but you can’t. You can only go forward. Blizzard needs new leadership and new ideas for what an MMO can be.

Let those old guys make their own way forward and hopefully be better men in the future. Blizzard needs to focus on refreshing this old game.

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Bill Cosby being a poisoner was a meme since the mid 90s. You think they called it the Cosby Suite because they planned to wear wool sweaters? It was a roofie joke back then just as much as it is now.

Yeah lots of people knew about Cosby, just like lots of people knew about Weinstein… People knew and looked the other way at Feldman’s abusers too. The ‘pudding’ jokes came about for a reason.

What a clown. Reading about all of his victims. God, I wish I woulda been a “victim” of his. Would have been his last mistake.

Man, I’m fired up today. Thinking about the eternal virgins in wow who do not know how to treat a woman. It must suck.

Darkness ALWAYS gets an upvote.

I took you off ignore for this comment and because I kept unhiding your comments to read them anyway.

There’s not a single writer in the history of writers that didn’t take their inspiration from some other source.

Even the freakin’ Torah/Bible copied the Epic of Gilgamesh, which itself was likely a copy of an older tale.

Nothing is original. Tolkien’s elves and Dwarves were ripped straight out of European folklore, which was inspired by strange sights and sounds that went unexplained. Our curiosity relies upon our imaginations to concoct explanations when we are frightened and confused, in order to make sense of it all. Folklore, therefore, is an absolute mess. But if you dig through it, you’ll find gems here and there worth polishing. Collect enough of them, and you can create your own world.

Also, every source you mentioned (including Lovecraft) is public domain - i.e. fair game.


It’s too tempting, right? lmfao

I love your doggies. So beautiful.

I am in such a trolly mood today and have a wild hair.

I did used to sell 15s - not this account… and for gold always lol. I wanna find a team that is gud and just watch and see. bc me and my three others were bomb and almost always were at least 10 mins under with one deadweight. I did tell ppl to stay dead if they died too much bc of timer and how it affects it with so many deaths.

So many decisions today.

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If I was him I would stay away from this mess. he got paid. hes out. don’t look back

My thoughts exactly.

Back then playing those muds cost an hourly rate to play and had mechanics to artificially slow progress and that originally was going to be EQs business model before it was changed.

There is no way he couldn’t have. The people going back n forth if the people at Blizzard knew what cosby was up to is pointless. The only open secret that matters in this situation was the one going on within the company and even if they weren’t directly involved, being one of the top people there and doing nothing about it is just as bad. This applies to all of them.

i don’t think even the original team could undo this mess in the lore…they damaged the history of the game back to warcraft 3, which was a bad move probably…

anyway, i think have to start over, which is probably why DF is such a “basic” high fantasy story :100:

Would have been neat if we came back to an alternate vanilla wow.

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