Can we get Christ Metzen back as lead came dev?

He would be much better.




He left originally because of stress. Guys old let him go relax with the occasional visit for voice work


I dont know if this is true or what. I havent found anything solid but…

Rumor has it he might be working on riots new mmo with greg street.

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Oh, you mean one of the guys that knew about the Cosby Suite and said/did nothing?


Lead came dev :thinking:


Unfortunately the scandals of Acti-blizz, especially Activision together with the fact that it made its own indie video game company and with an RTS that would be the successor to Warcraft (if you are still dreaming of Warcraft 4).

we would not have the true dreamer of the fantasy created in Warcraft and Starcraft therefore the wrong hands of Danuser is not a good idea to doubt his artistic and creative work since he gave him a R.E.I. to Sylvanas in Shadowlands.

How is this still a thing?? lol

Like… EVERYONE looked up to Cosby for a long, long, long, LONG time.

You realize that pic of the Blizzard crew in “The Cosby Suite” was from BEFORE he was exposed??? That situation was only done as a silly joke about his sweaters.

It’s ridiculous to equate people supporting the actions of an exposed villain in 2021 with how he was a beloved icon twenty years earlier.

Blizzard has a lot to answer for, but this “Cosby Suite” thing is BEYOND stupid.


People who cared to know knew that Bill Cosby was a sexual assaulter long, long before 2021. Most folks just rejected it until more recently.

It was a picture from a long time ago but they knew what it symbolized.

The room was used to bring women they drugged there and sexually assault them.

People weren’t mad about the name but what was actually going on.


I DEFY YOU to prove this.

People in Hollywood might have known he was a creep. But even that was likely a minority of people.

But America AS A WHOLE was still calling him “America’s Dad.” NO ONE knew this dark side of him at that point in time.

Give me a break.


We both know the truth.

I’m not going to do that. It’s irrelevent.

They sexually assaulted people there.

That’s a fact. Arguing about it is irrelevent.

There is a reason they don’t work at blizzard anymore.

You are not the whole population. I’m sorry for your ignorance. The media didn’t wanna capitalize on it but the information was publicly available for a long time.


I know you’re making an unsubstantiated claim that you can’t prove. That’s all I know at this point.

If they sexually assaulted people in that room, I haven’t heard that. They are guilty of supporting a lot of “bro culture” and there too many singular examples of their bad behavior, but I’ve never once heard of that room being used under the example of “their mentor, Bill Cosby.” Show me where that has been VALIDATED, and I’ll happily grab a pitchfork.

But all I’ve EVER heard about this is BEFORE Cosby was exposed, they had a Cosby room for laughs. And AFTER, when he was exposed, the media made a FALSE correlation. I’ve not seen or read anything contrary to that.

And arguing/discussing it isn’t “irrelevant” if I’m wrong. I’m not trying to DEFEND Cosby. lol But I just called you out on not having your facts straight and you basically ignored me. That doesn’t incline me to BELIEVE you.


I think the good Lord has more important things to do than be the lead dev at this moment in time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hard pass on Meltdown Metzen. Once upon a time he was amazeballs, but that time was long, long ago.

Chris is the man.

Blizz should take a page out of Riots book. Their PR makes everything hip, and fun (even if its not lol). They just seem younger, energetic, and they understand their audience. Metzen used to have similar energy. Different, but he could hype up crowds, and have that good energy.

Wow’s just not in a position like it was when it was the cool thing to do. It’s more niche now. I don’t think it’s because it’s an mmo thing. I think its because wow is like a middle aged man.


You already agree with me. You already know the truth because we live in the same objective reality.

You’re just trying to get a rise out of me.

I am not going to discuss this with you further.

Good day.

He would be. He has the heart and respect for true Warcraft lore, seeing as he wrote most of it. But sadly he’s gone, and much of his work is being disrespected, so I don’t have much faith in him being used as a consultant either.


Still haven’t proven ANYTHING.

Why did you even bother to post… whatever that was?

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