Can we get blue eyes for blood elves?

One thing that makes me think this is that they had an opportunity to do so but opted for gold instead.


Would you say ashvane is still a human female?

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Except, you know, being attuned to the void to the point they periodically course with its power and can open portals.

Was she even one to begin with? :rofl:

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Exactly! And holy makes sense to purify fel, but arcane doesnā€™t. Personally Iā€™m happy with VEā€™s and do not want HEā€™s but some people in this thread are making points that now VEā€™s arenā€™t BEā€™s so they arenā€™t HEā€™s and if thatā€™s the case someone call me beep me get me in touch with the HE squad Iā€™m taking up that torch, bcz not only do I believe BE=HE I believe VE=BE lmao, and think Blue eyed option should be withheld for the lore arguments against it but in reality to simply keep the uniqueness of VE

And you were right earlier, see how quick people were to stop any parallel request for VE skin tones lol


I wouldnā€™t even say purify. More like replace. Arcane being a force of order just seems to take on characteristics of whatever it is mixed with. maybe itā€™s like water or a blank canvas. Keep in mind this is speculation and they havenā€™t clarified. I am reminded of Illidan finding fel to be a more potent force than arcane when confronting the Legion in BRH.

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You realize golden eyes were the request at the time right?

Innate racial ability that is not tied to class. Its not perfect, but this is a game as well.

Very true, also all the arguments of some BEā€™s being blue eyed/ HEā€™s having any allegiance seems to me the blood elves with blue eyes being cited could just be fickle HEā€™s lmao, in the end though I donā€™t think Blizzard will add this, let the Alliance keep this exclusive and use lore to justify it

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Well, Iā€™m wearing a brown tunic, have gray hair and blue eyes.

I feel like Margaery Tyrell to Cersei rn, you look absolutely radiant your grace I donā€™t know why reading your comment made me think of that but it did LOL

lolā€¦funny stuff.

No doubt the Horde will get their Blood Elves with more eye color options including blue. The Horde always gets what they ask for. At least thatā€™s what so many Alliance players are claiming.
Now thatā€™s a really a LOL.

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When Thalyssra visited the Sunwell, all she was ever told is that it is now a font of Light essence. All the arcane energies left are nothing but residues

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Perhaps but watch this be the one time you donā€™t so hehe

What did Lady Gaga say there could be 99 people in the room, something to do with it being that 1, loose analogy but all it takes is 1 time for the Horde to not get their asking for to put a damper on your logic for ā€œhorde always get what we wantā€

Uhhhhā€¦no she wasnā€™t.
Let alone, again, the devs said it is both.

Why are people on this headcanon?
Whoever pushed it is probably the same person saying blood elves are a different race from high elves.


you also convinced yourself alliance ā€˜highā€™ elves are inevitable and coming, despite blizzard openly telling that that is not happening. and why would they save a damn eye color for a tiny tiny political reactionary group of an already playable race?

im hoping for purple, auburn, and brown as well. horde just ask for reasonable things


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I feel like Porsha on real housewives of atlanta in her interview saying ā€œwrong road, we going down the WRONG ROADā€.

You can quote me please where I have EVER said this I have stated im against HEā€™s in general, so please go through my posts where I stated this, I think you have me mistaken for someone else you spoke to like your entire argument is mistaken. Because I have never stated HEā€™s were inevitable when I believe BE=HE

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Blonde hair is just a color too, but we always relate this color to blood elves. Again, iā€™m not against customizations but if they add a void elf feature to belves they probably will add blood elf features to void elves, and i doubt you will be happy with that.

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Oh, things would be so much better if blood elves were a different race and went unrepentant with the fel slurpees.

Youā€™re arguing with someone who wants something with no compromise and deduces it to just an eye color, but HE looks for VE when in the end VE=BE and BE=HE, but HE skin tones in moderation (we should still be blue effected some) but the Alleria look is too much for them to concede to


letting you play the model in your preferred aesthetic(the alliance) is the compromise. you were never getting a carbon copy of a horde race. it was always going to have to be made distinct, that being void corrupted. that distinction is the sole justification for a void elf AR even existing. the skin tones are the only distinction, youre not getting de-voided

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