Can we get blue eyes for blood elves?

its arcane/holy. confirmed by chris metzen out of game and on this very site in the races section for blood elves

it makes sense because the sunwell is arcane/holy and it is bombarding the elves with arcane/holy energies 24/7 for the last 8 years which is far longer then the period they went without the sunwell. its basically the mother of all detox plans

its a damn eye color. the senior narrative designer confirmed blue eyed blood elves exist and that the blue eyed blood elf npcs in the game are not a mistake

blue eyes for the last time is not a marker for the alliance. high elf eye color reflects the magic they are exposed to the most. if it was, horde DKs would have red eyes and other horde races would not have faces with blue eyes :relaxed:


I like that you cam hide the DK eye glow with cyborg eye options.

Did you just say Blood Elves were a huge mistake while posting from a Pandaren?

Factually and lorewise, I agree with all of this. Emotionally, I can’t let go of the green eyes on my other Blood Elf because I think it was a really cool time in their lore.

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You won’t lose green eyes. You can still wear em

And yet what color is the sunwell? Funny that only the light shows. They should move forward with the story and make blood elves lightbound elves. Maybe give them light runes to reflect this.

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This is nonsensical.
Its called the Sunwell. Why would it not look glowy and sunny?
Let alone you’re trying to argue with Chris Metzen. The story dev. Don’t be nonsensical

And yet their eyes have taken on the appearance of the sunwell itself.

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I like how you’re trying to use game design as an argument for what people can and cannot have.
So, since we’re doing that argument.

No one should get any customization ever, because that isn’t how it is right now, so they can’t have it in the future.

So, no other skin options, no tattoos, no nothing.
You know, because its what we see in game.

OH wait there are blood elves with blue eyes.

Guess that goes out the window.

Why did they chose to give blood elves gold eyes rather than blue eyes?

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It took 3 faces to give gold eyes.
It would take another 3 faces to give blue eyes.
Considering 9.0 is coming out with customization, why would they invest further into a soon to be defunct system?

Why didn’t they just give them blue eyes then?

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Disdain, this discussion is going nowhere if you do not read my responses.

If you won’t answer my questions then I will. I think they wanted to take the game lore in a new direction.

Oh and Metzen is out.

I answered your question, you simply don’t like the answr.

Or maybe its because they have customization coming out next expansion so wasting time on a defunct system is a waste of resources?.

I am glad you are acting your class, because you have no intent of sticking to the topic and just disappearing to your own world.

as the sunwell is also as much arcane as it is holy, the potential for blue eyes is also present, based on ones devotion to the Arcane following this logic

both factions elves got access to an additional eye color this expansion. why the hell would they give the horde elves access to 3 while alliance only have 2?

still the senior narrative designer confirmed blue eyed blood elves are a thing

doesnt matter. chris metzen is the godfather of warcraft lore and set the status quo for WoW

you have nothing to back up your fanfictions. blood elves look identical to high elves because blood elves are high elves. do you really think they are gonna save an eye color for a few elves squatting in a ‘lodge’ in the hinterlands? :joy:


No but they gave it to void elves first.

blood/high elves are as much separate races as democrat voters and republican voters. its a political split, not a biological one

the only thing high elf related the alliance have claim to are void corrupted high elves

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