Can we get blue eyes for blood elves?

Of course they are, but if i made a thread asking for blonde hair for void elves, i know blood elf fans will be upset.


Honestly is so weird that Void Elves and Demon Hunters can look as different to regular Blood Elves, but one is a race and the other a class.

And now with VE DK’s, you can put a VE and a BE together and think they are the same race, just with different customization options.

Demon Hunters and Death knights are arguably races in themselves along with being a different class.
Demon hunters are demon hybrids.
Death knights are a higher form of undead.

They may have things like human death knight or blood elf demon hunter.
That really only specifies what kind of death knight or demon hunter they are, sort of like how all tigers are cats, but not all cats are tigers.

So… tl;dr: They are their own races.

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It makes perfect sense me though:

To be a Demon Hunter, a DH has literally bound demonic essence within themselves and could reasonably be considered part demon, The massive physical alterations seem logical to me. They do it in order to do one thing; hunt demons as melee wrecking machines.

Void Elves are, to me, even easier to explain; a diverse group of Blood Elves were ambushed and very nearly turned into Ethereals by a nether prince, having just barely been saved by the player and Alleria. That transformation was halted in process, not reversed, and happened to Blood Elves of many classes who were canonically part of Umbric’s entourage.

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Exactly, my point is that in game one is classified as a new races and the other two as simply classes, when from an in universe perspective, they are equally removed to the baseline Blood Elf.

The distinction that only of of them can be multiple classes is moot because those are occupations; the resulting DH and DK “biology” is as different as a VE, even if they are just one class, which is irrelevant from an in universe classification.

If a DH or a DK stop being those things they retain their new biology, there’s no reason why they could be another “class” except for game mechanics.

Well, that is because what defines a demon hunter and DK are their abilities along with their new biology.
Void elves only have biology not abilities entirely.

Looks like you have something wrong with them. Perhaps you need eye drops to put out that flame?

No it isn’t. The Sunwell is part of Belf culture and life.


Meh, the difference between race and class exists as a large part due to game mechanics. Look at Forsaken undead and human DKs. Both are undead. Also, canonically there are undead elves in the forsaken ranks. Demon hunters are sometimes classified as demons or half-demons.

It’s also filled with the Light for the most part now, if I remember right. So it would make even less sense to have blue eyes.


No, it’s a mix of both holy and arcane with no mention of “for the most part”.

This restored the Sunwell using the energies of M’uru, the Sunwell’s new energies being derived from both the arcane and from M’uru’s powers of the Light.[9][11]


What is messed up is that blood elf DKs have pale skin tones similar to void elves. Same for the black hair colors.


I don’t seehow that is messed up given that DK’s came before Void elves and their skin tones are not the same at all

Consider that you can make a blood elf with the skin tone similar to the lighter skins of a void elf. Look at the Dk exclusive options.

They are similar, but not the same. DK’s are also dead, so they have that deathly pallor look. It isn’t unfair.

You get tentacles. I wish I had tentacles.

Maybe you can get Ryuk wings like in Sunwell Plateau?

That would have pleased me immensely. Alas…
To be honest, I have not really been enjoying my DK.
As I’ve played DH I am really enjoying the faster movement speed I have on him.

DK’s are just so horribly slow.

You need a mechagnome DK. :wink:

(on a rat mount)

I hate swimming in ponds.

Meh. Saving moneyfor now

I prefer those lovely green eyes on my handsome blood elf men and beautiful blood elf women.

But the option should still be available.

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