Can we get blue eyes for blood elves?

Perhaps someone that never was in Silvermoon and simply joined the Sunreavers

Which means nothing. It has no support.

You are just doing mental gymnastics at this point, to set me up to make an error. Iā€™ll admit you werenā€™t clear and were factious with posts you were liking at the same time as vague responses to me alluding to what arguments you supported. I truly wish you the best we have a difference of opinions and reasonings on Blue eyed Thalassian elves. That is all.

They are playable with blue eyes? Void (blood) elves are. Alliance has high elves with the same hair and skin colors than blood elves, but since they are playable to the horde, light hair and skin colors are blood elf features. Blue eyes, dark hair and cold skin tones are void elves features, because they are playable in alliance side.


I see what I did.
I made the error of thinking you had the maturity and capability of admitting when you were wrong. Apologies for giving you the benefit of the doubt.

Look, I get you beleive that the eye color is iconic, but it is not.
WoW lacks customization options because of the way it is designed. This is why Worgen have multiple eye colors, but they are on different heads. This isnā€™t a matter of them wanting races to be based on eye color. It is because the game isnā€™t designed to give different eye colors.

When 9.0 comes out, are you going to protest the new customization options because they give different eye colors and faces?

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I have the maturity to agree to disagree 900 times prior and wished you the best. I donā€™t accept your backhanded insult of an apology.

I still donā€™t support Blue eyed Blood Elf customization, you do, thatā€™s fine.

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Noā€¦not yet. But since people want to refer to NPCs as reasons for playable races (see High Elf requesters) or options for them I figure thatā€™s fair play here as well.


I see what you did here, I do not support High Elves , but I do find myself defending the thread of people who do support HEā€™s to voice their opinion so I like the way you put that into perspective of a parallel of people asking for Blue Eyed BEs. :thinking: Iā€™m still entitled to disagree on the substance of the argument though

Hold up a second.

Practice what you preach dude. You have this habit of claiming you are this and that but your actions demonstrate otherwise.
I characterized you better than you were acting. Hence the apology.

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Iā€™m not even going to go back to quote myself but Iā€™ve told you and others that Iā€™ll agree to disagree and you keep replying to my arguments trying to disprove my stance. Once again. Iā€™ll agree to disagree. And if you want to scroll up and accurately in context quote all the times I have instead of attempting to make me look bad once again, have it. But I agree to disagree.

This is you willfully misunderstanding what I am referring to dude.
Anyway, going to continue grinding my cape rank up. Have a good one.

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You have replied to posts where i already agreed to disagree, and continued after I told u I agree to disagree. Itā€™s not that deep, we have a difference of opinions.

I refrain from characterizing people unless itā€™s such a deep rooted issue that speaks volumes of them, and people who do this on things that are not that deep proves to me youā€™re just trolling me at this point.

I wish you the best and I agree to disagree

Isnā€™t this a characterization? Let alone a desire to judge people according to your own personal standards which you have demonstrated to be hypocritical in nature? I cannot agree with such statements bud.

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No, Blood elves will never have blue eyes, High elves will never be playable on Alliance and the Alliance will forever remain a joke to the development team.

In fact for Shadowlands customization what was shown at Blizzcon is all we are getting, nothing more

The fact someone liked this spiritually kills me. Iā€™m dead inside because of this. But thatā€™s ok, it canā€™t get much worse

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Iā€™m honestly extremely tired of topics like these where people just argue without end about High Elves, blue eyes for Blood Elves, and fair skin tones for Void Elves. Itā€™s just posts after posts after posts of endless whining.

Blizzard has only one thing to do, and thatā€™s to give blue eyes to Blood Elves AND fair skin tones to Void Elves at the same time, tell every one that both Blood and Void Elves are High Elves and that we just need to shut up about it once and for all.


I wonder how long it took for this fresh and interesting High Elf thread to get almost a hundred replies. :crazy_face:


To me they are. Blood elves eyes are green and gold because of the choices theyā€™ve made. Void elves eyes are blue because of their choices too. Blood elves with blue eyes and void elves with green eyes would be weird. But i canā€™t be against more customization options, iā€™m just a little possessive with void elves features lol.

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To me Void elves are more then just blue eyes. But whatever.

I did not judge you until you brought my character into it, therefor I felt that it was a reflection of your character when all I did was wish you the best and agree to disagree on our stances of Blue Eyed Blood Elves.

Refer to my last post