Can we get blue eyes for blood elves?

These are blood elves tho.

Tomato, tomato.

Give us the second tomato.

Nope, we don’t want to blur faction lines. High elves are an iconic Horde race. That’s where they should remain. Aside from that there really isn’t a second tomato for you to have.

Now if you don’t mind the topic is on restoring Blood Elf eye color to blue.


arguing blood elves arent high elves is like arguing the earth is flat at this point


What I don’t get is the need to have all fantasy be perfectly generic. Putting high elves with orcs was a stroke of brilliance.

With that said, Blood Elves need every update possible - beginning with restoring their natural eye color, or their eye color reflecting the restored Sun Well. The Sun Well is part arcane? Blue and violet eyes.


that auburn color they established in wc3 reforged would be nice for fire mages as well

agreed. they are just upset they have to play the horde to play a high elf. if they dont want to play the horde then tough, but void corrupted high elves are there for them

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Which is so much cooler than yet another human adjacent race.

And void elves are also high elves because they’re literally blood elves dipped in void sauce. . Ion himself said “void elves are also another flavor of high elf.” You can’t strut and sneer that blood elves are high elves one breath and then claim with the other that void elves aren’t.

It’s petty at this point and smacks of a bratty child on a playground that doesn’t want to share their toys with other children even though the exact same toy painted with another color has already been shared. It’s a video game. Try not to take it so seriously. Frankly I hope they give blue eyes to blood elves AND un-dyed high elves to Alliance so both sides will just shut up about the whole thing.


the option to play a traditional high elf is on the horde. the option to play a void corrupted high elf is on the alliance. the faction that doesnt even have a high elf kingdom behind them is not getting TWO options. i dont think you people realize what a nail in the coffin void elves are

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Follow your own advice.


Its funny all these people that dont want to admit that blood elves are high elfs but dont want blood elfs to have blue eyes. If blood elves are not high elves why do you care if they have blue eyes or not?

By this logic, all elves are trolls becaue night elves are just trolls dipped in energy.
They were changed at a fundamental level, just lie void elves.

Or people can quit complaining and just pla ya blood elf

What’s worse is how they swarm these threads and derail the topic. If you disagree with them in their megathread they cry that anything that disagrees with them is off topic.

Not helpful at all.

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plus i dont get the logic. any one can play a high elf, the only ones denying them playing one are themselves

Many high elf fans would rather play void high elves than horde version of high elves.

Do trolls share the same model with night elves? Void elves and blood elves look the same except one has blue skin and eyes and one has pink skin and green/gold eyes.

The discussion was lore, not game design. What you are doing is called a strawman.

Cool, then you dont need high elves since they look the same to you. You also don’t need to stand int he way of customization options for a playable race. We’re done here everyone


i am glad you are enjoying them then