Can we get blue eyes for blood elves?

Yeah. I do find throwing their hypocrisy back in their face to be refreshing. Of course, you know the devs will cave because that is the way things have always been. Honestly, it’s kind of sad because there is much more they can do with blood elves rather than just giving them blue eyes so they can call themselves “high elf” to spite Alliance players. They could do Felblood and Lightbound skins for example.


No, BE are the ones that choose to be Sunwell junkies. Let them remain like that.


I supported HE’s until VE’s which I like better, but I feel vindicated returning the arguments in their faces as well, I have to admit it’s very A Lannister Always Pays His Debts and feels fitting after the way Horde players used dev quotes to defend horde favoritism (I actually prefer Horde but I can’t vibe with poor arguments regardless of faction)

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Yes, yes they are, and since the Sunwell is canonically a mix of Holy and Arcane and has been for years it makes perfect sense for heavy Holy/Light users to get gold eyes and heavy arcane users to get blue. :slight_smile:


Yes they are and I agree that the only reason they have Golden eye mutation as stands is because Holy can purify fel like what was tried to do with Illidan but I hope they don’t support the arcane can re purify fel argument

For some people, however, they do not wish to be tied to a class. COnsidering they see sunreavers with blue eyes, why should they not request additional customization options?

Don’t be salty you can’t be pale.


Could just be that holy is either the more dominant presence or force against arcane. Hence why the color is gold, not blue.


I understand what you’re saying, however
the Blue Eyed Thalassians are Alliance nothing is stopping you from re rolling your classes, the Void is waiting

Don’t be salty you can’t play anything other than a DK for a Thalassian with blue eyes :call_me_hand: because trust me I support pale skin options but I like my character just fine with blue.

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EXACTLY, I see more shades of gold and more face options for gold eyes, maybe golden brown but not blue happening.

And white, blue and purple reserved for Alliance Thalassians?

You can’t claim it is alliance if you can’t play it dude. That is how it works. It doesn’t belong to a faction if the players can’t play it.
On the other hand, there are blue eyed blood elves, so why should players not have access to customization present on their playable race?
You’re not really addressing the statement. You’re just dancing around going “the alliance have this”, and ignoring that the Horde have it too.

You are blue because you are a void elf.
I am pale because I am a blood elf.
Eye color is known to be blue for all races. You realize you’re saying no one should have blue eyes but you right?

It isn’t Disdain.
Per the devs, the new sunwell is equal in both.


No, I mean in a rock, paper scissors type scenario.

Except for DKs which horde has had for 8 years?


I theorized this briefly but we’ve no indication of that with arcane and holy.
I know holy > death magic, and death magic > void, and void > light seemingly, but arcane seems to run neutral against all of it.

Good thing all DKs just got special eye glows to preserve faction identity.

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If that were the case you’d have blue eyes the same time as golden. Period but you didn’t? So. Just because they are equal doesn’t mean arcane can re emerge from fel

Also to your other points Blue eyes are DK things, you’re a blood elf but you’re a DK the Blood Elves outside of that because they don’t have the same un death backstory with lich king infused powers / vibes don’t have blue eyes since retaining fel Magic’s , only the High Elf faction that remained on Alliance kept blue eyes, and Void Elves went through a void transformation. So as of rn Alliance NPC Thalassians have Blue eyes, and Void Elves playable have blue eyes but Blood Elves as I’m Living non lich king tainted Blood Elves playable on Horde don’t have Blue Eyes

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Lol, no, that’s not how it works.

Blood (high) Elves are Horde, regardless of their eye color.

And you can’t just play “blue eyed blood elves” in the alliance because Void Elves have different skin and hair.

Your analogy is flawed.


Your opinion on my analogy is flawed, the Blood Elves are High Elves but the playable and Horde aligned ones that call themselves Blood Elves no longer and have not for some time had Blue eyes.

Except they do.

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I do wonder if arcane being on the spectrum of order makes it take on the characteristics of other magics.