Can we get blue eyes for blood elves?

I just don’t see it happening, they can very easily say the green isn’t reverting or goes gold maybe silver like a NE. And regardless I’m entitled to say I don’t think you should get it, as you are to say you should, and since the new BE customizations haven’t been revealed yet we’re both in the dark so I’ll agree to disagree.

golden eyes proved their eye color can change. the senior narrative designer literally said lore wise only priest/paladins with a strong devotion to the light will manifest golden eyes, but in the name of player choice gave the option to every class


Golden eyes prove they can change to gold.

You can already play classes with blue eyed Thalassians on Horde as DK or the Alliance via Void Elves :face_with_monocle:

Somewhere in an interview it was revealed that there are many customizations coming for BEs in Shadowlands, along with what was already revealed for other races. I believe there will be the option for blue eyes and HE tattoos. But we’ll see :wink:


Yes we will

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yes this is because the sunwell has some holy magic now. yet it is also arcane. and magister types with a strong devotion to the arcane should manifest blue eyes with the same logic


Or the logic can favor that the fel usage in terms of returning to arcane type eyes can’t happen. In the end we shall see in Shadowlands hmm, I do ever so hope you get tattoos and new hairstyles and more shades of golden :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I made a thread about this a while back. No reason for Blood Elves not to have their iconic blue eyes back again. The Sunwell has been purified and once again consists of Arcane energies. It’s only logical that some of them would absorb Arcane and end up with blue eyes again.


the natural eye color of blood elves/high elves isn’t blue like you think it is. That is a stereotype that came about due to their in game representation. Their natural eye colors had a wider range than humans IRL.


the green glint was always going to fade. it was never permanent and you cant cite a damn thing to support your fanfiction

again all elves are GORGING themselves 24/7 on arcane/holy magic. theyve been doing this for far longer then that brief period without the sunwell. its time and everybody knows it


My god Blood Elves were a huge mistake. Just, in totality.

At this point, just delete the race.


The fact that it’s not in game is my citation

No… Blood Elves are High elves.

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I just find it hypocritical that they want the void elf eye color but flip about void elves getting a high elf skin tone. (Which is also represented in game by Alleria.) I would be fine with a fair trade compromise. Of course the devs will probably give Blood elf players what they want because they have a track record of giving them anything they ask for.


They don’t want Void Elf ice-blue eyes…which are closer to DK blue than standard blue…they want the blue eyes already seen on at least one Blood Elf in the game.


Blue is blue. But you guys are ok with crossing your precious faction lines when it suits your cause.


Yes I don’t support HE’s as a separate race but I do support the Alleria skin tone for Void Elves, and can find that to be a compromise. But overall Horde players have been so petty with Alliance wants, I think it’s nice to return the favor, because no matter how much back pedaling and citing they want to do to make a case , the fact they have to make the case is the point Bcz as it stands the game/lore doesn’t support blue eyed BE’s and I hope it never does frankly.


You guys?

My one and only Blood Elf is a still-58 DK I rolled almost two years ago and never even got out of the starting area.

Our eyes are far closer to white than they are to blue…what are you on about?


You can call your eyes any shade white/silver/ white blue you want most people accept Void Elves have blue eyes because we do