Can we get blue eyes for blood elves?

Replay the emissary quest line.

[citation completed]

loud buzzer sorry bud, that’s a No. I’ve replayed it recently when I was waiting for my 72 boost to expire

Duuuuuuude chill. :face_vomiting:

the corrupt ethereal who had stalked Alleria and made an attempt to claim the Sunwell — to surge into Telogrus. Durzaan immediately began a spell to capture and corrupt Umbric and his followers, binding them in an attempt to transform the elves into creatures of the void.


Play it again? They were transformed by a ceremony, presumably meant to make them into ethereal. Even if Alleria identities as a Void Elf, she still wasn’t part of the transformation that made them blue. She absorbed a dark Naru, there’s a whole cinematic about it. Different circumstances, different results. Don’t believe me? Look at the difference in thier skin.

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And if Blizzard wanted void elves flesh toned they’d be flesh toned, end of argument.

Exactly, Blizzard doesn’t want to blur faction lines and Blood Elves are an iconic Horde race. We’ve barely seen any Alliance high elves in this expansion.

Dayuuum can I get woooooshh over for this guy? I’m not talking about the lore in game reason why Alleria is how she is, I’m telling you that if Blizzard, and by Blizzard I mean the actual writers who wrote Alleria’s character arc this expansion. If those real life human beings wanted her purple 24/7 then she’d be purple. Phew! Hopefully you got it that time brother :sweat:

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You try too hard to be condescending. It loses it’s effect.

[citation needed]

It’s not a matter of citation, those people are going to write the story how they want. Am I missing something here??? If they wanted her purple 24/7 she’d be purple 24/7 :grimacing:

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Just a citation…

So you’re telling me that the blizzard staff who were responsible for writing Alleria’s arc in Legion+BFA, including the logistics have been FORCED to make her only purple some of the time, against their own will?!

Oh no, they almost certainly care less about it than you do.


As far as why void elves shouldn’t have Blood Elf skin tones, maybe you can extrapolate something from this:

So what’s the point then, why have they chosen to only make Alleria, the leader void elf representative at the alliance embassy only purple SOME of the time? It’s hardly an accident for them to write that outcome into the story.

Edit: That video is about high elves. Why would I make an extrapolation about something I’m not advocating for? I’m not asking for high elves to take an allied race slot, I’m simply suggesting that a promising void elf customization option for the future is for them to also have skin colors as represented by their primary racial representative

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My best guess, art is expensive - it’s cheaper to not totally change her.

That and looking at how out of left field Void Elves were they might have made her before void elves. Adjusting her isn’t on their radar, like how slow updating Blood Elf eyes has been.

Or… they intend for her to be different from void elves.

However, at the end of the day she has a different skin tone than void elves.

Because in the video they state that they didn’t want to give something so similar to Blood Elves to the Alliance. Void elves with Blood Elf skin tones is functionally the same.

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HAHAHAHAHA no one actually believes this, surely not. Why would they even give her an extra swanky 2nd purple form at all? If it’s SO much cheaper? No sir I don’t buy that at all lmfao

Merchandise is expensive and if they made it before they made void elves, they’d be out a good deal of money. Otherwise, don’t, you not required to. I gave several possibilities.

And they didn’t, void elves receiving more fair/brown skin color options in the future doesn’t cross any thresholds of being too similar to blood elves. Void elf culture is distinct enough. If my void elf has brown skin that doesn’t dilute anything. Void elves and blood elves are already thematically far more different than high elves vs blood elves.

Now as far as void elf skins, Alleria only taking half the Willy Wonka tour isn’t any sort of evidence the rest of the void elves will get to walk back half of their tour. Especially when considering the commentary.

I’m guessing any future options will go the unnatural route.

I hope it stays that way. Keeping their appearance distinct and separate is essential to that.


I didn’t make any claim it was evidence, I said that it opens up a possibility that void elves could expect to receive skin color choices like their racial leader in the future. Void elves are so fresh and new as you’re aware, so anything is possible. It comes down to if blizzard wants to do it or not.

It can stay different, easily. An overlapping skin color won’t change that, just like the MUH CARBON COPY model+animations don’t stop them from being different. I’ll tell you an example of how it can be much different: Void elf druids. Give void elves the druid class in name only, but make them void faceless shapeshifters. Replace the spell effects with void particles.