Can we get blue eyes for blood elves?

Because it’s not just that. It’s not only that we know what’s under the armor, it’s everything else that’s added to the world as a consequence. On that note, Alleria needs to go full everlasting Gobstopper. Alliance high elves are one of the worst things for the Alliance. They not only homogenize the Alliance with the Horde, they homogenize the Alliance with every piece of mundane fantasy that’s out there. Just as terrible, the Alliance is already filled to the brim with human equivalent peach (and blue) flesh races. They need something else… like Sethrak or a furry. There is nothing Alliance high elves have to contribute to the Alliance that isn’t already there and only serve as more-other-horses race option.

You’ve lost me.

Maybe follow your own advice? :man_shrugging: :woman_shrugging:


tl;dr in the words of every helfer who’s ever lived: it’s not just about the model.

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…did you measure the femur?


So, what about that argument between the pro’s wanting High Elves on Alliance and the Anti’s who keep telling them that High Elves are on Horde. Are we all going to debate that High Elves and Blood Elves are not two of the same race?

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I’m not arguing for high elf allied race so why are you bring that up with me?

So you know that Alleria existing basically shuts down this weird invisible standard argument that you keep going back to. Void elf DK’s are here to stay btw. I personally have seen people on the forums cry over them not to be added, because of the reasons I listed lmfao. Just take a chill pill and relax, blood elves will get blue eyes which is a good thing, and void elves are likely to get skin color options to mirror their racial leader (another good thing)

She doesn’t because she isn’t actually a void elf. She’s a high elf with void powers she acquired by absorbing a dark naru.

Let me clarify, this is not something I care about, or will care about.

After you? I mean, I know you’re just saying it try and stir the pot but that only works if I think you’re ‘chill’, I don’t.

It’s about time!

They already have Umbric’s skin color.

Alleria is the person who represents the race at the allied race hub. That’s a hard no there bud

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She’s the ambassador, and wasn’t transformed with them. She’s a special character race. Really, a high elf with void powers. She has more in common with Blood Elves.

I wouldn’t hold my breath.

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If they wanted to do that they would have started with it.

Right, but you’re talking as if it was by accident and not an intentional decision to not have her be purple 24/7. It doesn’t change anything about the story if she still underwent that super rare special transformation, but stayed purple or not. So another hard No I’m afraid

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I mean same could be said about allied race DK’s but thankfully blizzard has given me my #1 requested feature of all time!

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Yeah, it seems pretty obvious they were going for something in particular because, you know, they’re a completely different colour to the model they started with.

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No, Void Elves were changed by a particular event. They were in the process of being transformed into a different species all together. She wasn’t part of that… and like I’ve said, they should make her full everlasting Gobstopper. If Blizzard was being honest, the intentional reason for her not being blue 24:7, aside from her only having a void form in common with void elves, is because they likely have an inventory of her flesh colored toys they haven’t cleared. Not for lore reasons.

The Sunwell is still partially Arcane, so this is incorrect.

No elves have blue eyes now since they got reconnected with the sunwell. All highelves other than voidelves have yellow eyes.

… and commentary.

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[Citation needed]

You acknowledge that her existing as is practically derails your point on this issue a little too much, that’s why I’m not exactly convinced, I’d need something more conclusive than that to buy into it.
And as I said, why does it matter if the process with Alleria was different? If blizzard wanted her purple she’d be purple, end of argument. This isn’t some event in history this is a fictional timeline with authors that make conscious decisions on outcomes

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[citation needed]

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