Can we get blue eyes for blood elves?

I understand people look at Classic WoW and think it would apply to high elves, but it doesn’t, for many reasons.

Classic WoW is an entire game unto itself. High elves are basically a skin that the players put on. It doesn’t add actual content, it is fluff.

Classic WoW had a huge crowd going for it, to the point that they were running illegal servers. This presented a huge monetary opportunity. This does not apply to high elves, who are a group that make up an extremely miniscule part of the total population.

That is because, as we learned later on, Void elves were made last minute. Alleria’s appearance as a void elf is more than likely the original planned design. It was stated by the devs though, they didn’t go with that design because it is the blood elf design.

Look, I get it, you see high elves an you’re like “hey I want to play one too.”
I get it, I was alliance all the way until BFA. I would have enjoyed playing a high elf and I still would. At the same time, what I want is not necessarily what is best. As it stands, that look is through the Horde, and it forces you to make a choice. That choice has meaning, and helps flesh out the uniqueness of the Horde.

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Except if I wanted to play a high elf I wouldn’t have race changed from a blood elf to a superior void elf dk??
All I’m saying is more options are better for the game, and there’s already enough cross over to make them work. Blue eyed blood elves makes them look even closer to void elves, and to me that’s a good thing

bro that argument falls apart when players like myself are asking for blue eye’d blood elves, you’re using the same logic as a gate keeper hero’s talking point: “But void elves have blue eyes already, just play a void elf.”

No. More options are better, especially when supported by how their racial leaders already look

you are still playing a high elf. a void corrupted high elf to be exact

a blue eyed blood elf cannot be mistaken for a void elf

You are right that more options is better for the game.
It is not more of an option though, if you are offering the same option, just on a different faction. It reduces uniqueness, which doesn’t make it good.


If a blood elf and a void elf are using the exact same mog, with a hood that obscures the face but shows the eyes, then no I disagree, they look almost identical. At a distance, they are outright indistinguishable.
edit: Player character void elves are blood elf exiles from silvermoon. They lived under horde govt. But yes void=blood=high. All german shepherds are dogs, not all dogs are german sheps blah blah blah

See that’s where you and I disagree, because this would be one overlapping similarity, it doesn’t have to be mutually exclusive. More options would also include more distinguishing characteristics. A blood elf will never have tentacle hair. They will fork out in further directions as the new options come in for blood elves. I’m imagining a lot of yellow+red.

That is the problem though, once you take away the defining features of a void elf, when you make them optional, they stop being void elves.

It would be lie maghar orcs having a green skin option. What is the point in it being a maghar orc if it can be green? These differences are important from a design perspective and for appealing to a greater audience. You ight argue its just color, but its color that creates distinction.

No I don’t think so, that’s like saying worgen are less worgen because they can shapeshift back into humans. I’d buy your argument and be convinced if Alleria was purple 100% of the time

Worgen are Worgen because they have their werewolf option.
If it was possible to never go wolf man, then it would defeat the purpose of being a worgen. That is the difference.

Why does everyone forget Umbric who is their racial leader as well?

He is, sure, but him existing doesn’t make alleria not exist. The character who is legit the spanner who kinda foils this premise of yours which makes me not buy into it. I’d honestly let it go if alleria was just umbric style.
edit: worgen would have stayed worgen, but they learned to control the beast, a worgen DK has no reason to be able to shapeshift back into a human form, since the LK dominated the wolf form.

And i don’t want the same skin colors blood elves have, but when i ask for “human” skin tones to void elves the same people asking for blue eyes for belves said that i can’t have what i want :woman_shrugging:

The LK dominated the entirety of the person. Once they were freed everything was freed.
I get people see Alleria and go “we should look like her” but if void elves did look like her, then it would be pointless to have two of the same race.

Except it wouldn’t be two of the same race. Blood elves will never have blue skin. Humans will never have worgen forms. I get where you’re coming from but the argument you’re using is kind of 10 years too late. If I want to I can make my void elf dk look exactly like any other masked blood elf DK. (Barring faction specific gear)

…but the difference between Alliance high elves and Blood Elves is eye color, and not even that. The Blood Elf green eye color is meant to be a temporary thing, like a tan. Even then Worgen, with a perfectly human form are on the same side as the rest of the perfectly humans.

So? You can’t look at an image of a void elf in full body transmog and a blood elf with the same one and easily tell them apart. If they’re at a distance in even a place like ewlynn forest, without some UI help you won’t be telling them apart at just looking at them.
edit: This is the same argument people used to try and gate keep void elf DK’s being playable “But they just look like a high elf!” Get over it

Eh? I see no reason appearance can be used to bar void elf DKs

“They look too similar to blood elf dk’s” I’m assuming they mean because the void elf skin can be passed off as just an undead skin, and therefore just appear to be a blood elf/high elf dk. I know, it’s a trash argument but people genuinely think like this

I think it will be an option of customization in Shadowlands

What about the fact that 4th gen DKs are DORKS?