Can we get blue eyes for blood elves?

I’m here because I support blue eye options for blood elves, not just those but also purple, brown etc. I was just joining in on the ongoing conversation (which you helped keep afloat by a lot btw), as I also support options for void elf customization to look like alleria, not to mention a whole lot more


its a forum. you post, people reply :woman_shrugging:

I’m all for eye color options for blood elves.
I’m not all for discussing anymore about void elves or alliance playable high elves in this topic.

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I find it puzzling you harassed, mocked, and created an echo chamber systemic of bullying to participate in mocking me [because I disagreed with you], I have learned how to mute people, trying to mute this thread if possible, you can harass someone else or participate in an echo chamber. Wish you the best.

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Same, I just don’t like weak arguments like ‘but Moi distinction!’ that people (blood.elf players 99%) make when it comes to void elf skin options similar to alleria’s. Blue eye blood elves goes against their own argument seeing as void elves have blue eyes already lmfao. The point is who the hell cares, we need more customization without bending over to this unwritten codes of interpretation

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I support Blue Eyes for Blood Elves, (and green, grey, violet eyes).

Return to us our Heritage now a new Age has dawned with the end of the Fourth War.

I have hoped for this since BC. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


If void elf players want their blood elf look on the alliance, they can ask. I can disagree because it doesn’t make sense as far as the game is concerned, but the devs aren’t always as much about the lore as the players many times.
And sorry…I said I wasn’t going to discuss void elves.

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It’s ok I knew what the outcome was going to be. I in fact support blood elf blue eyes mostly because I support most customization options in general. But I will disagree with you on thinking void elves having alleria style options doesn’t t make sense is outright wrong, because void elves are so fresh and new lorewise, we can seriously go anywhere with them, that includes them further mastering their understanding of the void to alter their bodies similar to alleria. It could even be a quest for void elves like how night elves got night warrior.

allerias transformation was unique. you would have to convince locus walker to abandon the path he is walking with alleria and have him train you for hundreds of years preparing you to consume the essence of a naruu in a void state(which is extremely rare with only a few known cases). you would also have to go back in time to prevent your body from becoming twisted by the void in the first place

I had them in Beta before. But the blue eyes floated in front of the face and were bright neon blue. I copied my warrior over and made it into a Blood Elf and got the blue eyes. there were 3 total face selections that had blue eyes.

But as I stated, the blue eyes floated visibly in front of the face. So perhaps that is why Blizz decided not to go with it.

Right as you said IN KNOWN CASES. There is nothing stopping blizzard from concocting another scenario in the form of a quest line for void elf players to do in the future. I dont know why you’re so vehement to try and gate keep so hard on this subject.

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are you going to go back in time and kill alleria, taking her place as locus walkers prodigy?

Is blizzard incapable of coming up with a questline: “champion, we’ve discovered a new void entity which may be able to grant us a greater understanding of the void! Meet us at telogrus at once to aid our research”
Experiment goes wrong in all the right ways, player character physiology changed again, now like alleria
That literally was made up on the spot.

oh…that’s the first I’ve heard anyone having that kind of option in the beta.

No need to be so nasty. :cold_face:

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The devs probably wont donsuch a yhing since it doesnt fit their vision of the game. Ion stated they did consider high elves, but they and blood elves are the same eace, so they would be making a carbon copy of a horde race.

At that point, they made panarens again, another thing they hated after creating.
So in those two aspexts it just does not fit with blizzards design, and I do have to agree.

Void elves are the closest the alliance will get to high elves, and that is a good thing. It makes your choice matter.
Hell, I have a void elf and like him more than my paladin and DK.
I have to be alliance though to do it. It makes my choice matter more.

multiple people have said it.

The first response was open ended to try and let people to continue to hope but maybe they might cool it, then the following responses became more direct until they eventually became solid no’s.

I fully expect Ion to just hammer the nail into the coffin on the issue with the expanded customizations. Because he’s also tired of hearing about it.


They also probably wouldn’t do a lot of things, namely classic wow. Void elves being able to look like alleria isn’t a bad thing, just like worgen not being permanently stuck as humans isn’t a bad thing. If you’re talking about pandarens and how they hate them so much, bro I can copy your morg and look 99.999% identical to you, so that’s not even an argument either. Any full closed transmogs have this effect between void elves and blood elves.

If it was THAT big a deal to blizzard as it is to you people then I strongly believe they would have just made alleria purple 100% of the time, but no, they didn’t, they specifically kept her looking like a blood elf out of combat

nothing is impossible, just incredibly unlikely given the way the story has developed and that they went out of their way to create void corrupted high elves rather than give the alliance a carbon copy of blood elves :relaxed:

if you want to look like alleria then the horde is waiting as it always has. pure high elves are playable as blood elves, if you have to be a high elf on the alliance the option is a void corrupted high elf

the difference is a political opinion. its like saying defias humans are something different then stormwind humans and that they require permanent player representation :woman_shrugging: