Can we get blue eyes for blood elves?

I didn’t want a carbon copy of a Horde race, though I ended up with one anyways. I just thought that it made more sense to take the remnants of helf society, have them dabble in things they shouldn’t have and voila, velfs. Instead, we literally got a subsection of belfs that dabbled in things they shouldn’t have dabbled in.

I got a Horde race with this velf, though I didn’t want it. She’s literally a belf that went blue and now thinks its ok to kill her old allies. Is it just the helf topic that causes people to twitch? Honestly, it does that with me and yet I chose to comment on this thread anyway, gods know why.

If I was going to get a race, I would’ve preferred helf not belf. Makes no sense to me as to why my belf hunter would’ve played around with the void. It does make sense that a remnant of a once proud race would try to do anything to reclaim a bit of their old glory. I understand that its probably just me, but belfs could’ve gotten blue eyes while the Alliance could’ve gotten the helfs they’ve been asking about for years.

So, as of now, we have players still holding out for helfs and taking every opportunity to have hysterics when belf players mention blue eyes, and we have belfs that want blue eyes but deal with hysterics every time they mention it. There’s a faction war in here all right, helfs vs belfs, blue eyes vs not a chance. So you think this situation is more acceptable as is?

edit - going back to Shara, just posted here to show that I actually do play a velf. Can post on one of belfs if necessary, but I’m just used to Shara at this point.


The Alliance will be open to all kinds of new options in the future when comes to Ren’dorei. The Hard part was getting the Model into the Alliance which Devs did find a way.

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they are just in denial. its the only way their request can even make sense. the game director couldnt even keep a straight face when addressing the request. you can deny it all you want but high elves are playable. and while there is a divide caused by a factional split, the vast, VAST majority of the race are on the horde. and thats why you got void corrupted high elves instead of a carbon copy of blood elves with a defunct adjective

no one views this request with respectability, that this idea of some epic political conflict between the two groups because that implies equivalence. blood elves control the high elven kingdom, its armies and civilian pop

the SC have a couple rooms in dalaran

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Celaeste/Shara, a lot of us aren’t happy with the allied race system. I wanted barbershop additions instead of these new exact look alikes with a nominal change. I hated the idea that alliance got our blood elf look, it’s the same reason why alliance shouldn’t get high elves, imo.
But obviously we can’t turn the clock back…what’s done is done.
It’s true…there are helfers who find our request a threat, can’t really help that.

I mean, that is the case with high elves as well. Think of it like a civil war.


Blood elves are blood elves because they got slaughtered in Quel’thelas, then they joined the Horde when they were shunned by their former brethren. If we have blue eyed “blood elves” they would just be high elves and lore-wise would likely be Alliance. I get what you mean though, considering it’s mostly a political thing; some high elves were exiled and in theory could join the Horde forces for a place to call home and to reconnect with their long lost family.

I’m 100% for more elves :smiley: I’m surprised Alliance didn’t get high elves by now tbh.


So…to bring this back to the topic and away from the distraction.
Blizz…if you are willing…please give Blood Elves more color options for eyes…including blue.
Thank you if you’re listening.


blood elves are high elves. as the game director told you, as the game itself does when you read the character creator info for blood elves :joy:


I am a Kaldorei fan myself, but also hate when Lore /story and what goes on in game is butchered to keep people happy.


absolutely bizarre they think blizzard are saving an eye color for a few npcs

still hoping for more then just blue eyes with this update

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I am sure therewill be much more


I changed my Paladin’s gold eyes back to green because the glow just looks so dead. Really wish we could get an option for a glow with a more defined pupil. We need more difference between Blood elves and Night elves, imo.

More than the floating rocks the VElves have

Game director also said that he didn’t want to make essences account wide. You going to go and tell people they’re wrong for wanting account wide essences and calling him out on that?

Years of the game did their best to make BElves and HElves different


That sure is a misleading way to quote what I said.

Blood elf is just a new name for high elves to honor the fallen.

I will go back to this and add that the high elves who didn’t stay behind and rename themselves after the war, aligned themselves with the Alliance and support them. So from that point of view, high elves on the Horde would make less sense. The differences lie in loyalties to the factions. High elven society splintered in two. What you describe is more origins and physical looks.

The eye colors result in those newly named blood elves and the Sunwell and messing with fel, which the high elves had no part in.

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the green is prettier

but i see your point after checking my paladin i havent touched in months. i think its the faces golden eyes are tied to

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Except…it hasn’t? Quite literally its gone along the lines of showing that they really are the same people.

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Mists of Pandaria had quests basically showing they weren’t planning on reconciling. Heck, it had a whole faction about it


Couldn’t agree more, I used to be of the opposite mindset but I’ve changed my mind tbh! Though people in this thread will proceed to harass and belittle you for this opinion, remember your opinion is just as valid as theirs.


Fixed that for you.

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