Can we get blue eyes for blood elves?

I’ve been trying to disengage for the longest time, even saying I agree to disagree I value your opinion on the topic, is met with mocking and harassment it is ridiculous. But yeah thanks no sense in arguing with that

I mean really how many Half Breed Sin’dorei you see running around. Or Sin’dorei have relationship with Humans, is it even allowed?

Lor’themar I understand still having green eyes. He is a Hunter. Not a Priest or a Paladin, and not a Mage either. While he consumes the Sunwell magic, it takes longer for his eyes to reflect the magic as he doesn’t use Holy or Arcane power.

Valeera is part of the Alliance. She doesn’t spend her time in Silvermoon sucking up the Sunwell’s energy. So it makes sense that her eyes are not gold/blue, and that they are still green.

On a side note though, I love that picture of the selfie of the High Elf and Void Elf. That human looks so disgusted. Like a grumpy old guy at “Ugh, look at these elves consorting in my park.” rabble rabble rabble :stuck_out_tongue:

if you take a second to read those tweets from the senior narrative designer of the game. ok? the potential for golden eyes is only there for priests/paladins, yet the sunwell is also arcane and using this logic, the potential for blue eyes is there with magister types with an arcane affinity and like golden eyes given to all classes in the name of player choice

as for why some blood elves will still have green eyes the answer is obvious. they dont have that strong devotion/affinity to holy or arcane to help speed up the dissipation. warlocks and DHs especially

as for the images you linked, the first with the sorceress and the void elf in the back alleys of the mage district, the implication is obvious; they are there to see if they can undergo a similar void elf transformation. there is no other way to interpret it, as they only appear if you have unlocked void elves

and then you literally linked 3 of the 4 ‘high’ elves that even bothered to show up for the fourth war

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Blizz could’ve put the helf/belf issue to rest once and for all if they’d just had taken the remaining helfs and said that they mucked about with powers that they shouldn’t have mucked about with.

Instead, velfs are a small subsection of a small (lorewise) faction. Alliance players would have had helfs, albeit a bit blue, and belf players wouldn’t have had to deal with numerous topics on the forums about helfs. At the same time, they should’ve made Highborne a bit more complete (and a bit more nelfish) and voila, all done, up to and including getting rid of the helf situation entirely. No more “we might get helfs” topics.

Of course, people would still complain but at least it would be a fresher complaint thread to what we’re getting now.

I believe that would be a high/void elf then.

That led to us getting golden eyes.

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and blood elves are high elves. whats your point?

Physically maybe, but there’s a lore and loyalty difference. High elves would surely not be on the Horde.

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There a few more than 4 milling about. And seriously, why shouldn’t they count as much as blue eyed sunreavers? Are blue eyed sunreavers somehow playable?

Like I pointed out in the next post I made, Blizz could’ve put the whole debate to rest by making the remaining helfs velfs. It would be a bit more logical…old school helfs are still friendly with the Alliance.

Instead we get a mishmash story where velfs are belfs gone goth. Seriously, how many residents of Silvermoon decided they like the color blue and wanted the look?

Seems to me that there would’ve been as many helfs running around as velfs…I find it pretty difficult to believe that a huge chunk of belf society turned blue and went Alliance. Give the Alliance helf blueberries, give the Horde blue eyed belfs and at least people would have something new to complain about.

Like I said…I. Don’t. Care. I mirrored my belfs with my velfs (hunter and priest) and have had a good time playing with all. Its more that I just get tired of seeing this over and over and over again. Helf lovers at least mostly stay in their super thread.

If you don’t like my opinion? Feel free to comment or ignore. But honestly, Blizz made a huge mistake with the way they handled velfs. And because of it, this discussion drags on and on and on.

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if the alliance are not getting blue yes elves no one is getting blue eyes elves! >:U

Game/Lore Sin’dorei don’t consider themselves High elves that is a player’s perspective, Also one day High Elves will be in the Alliance The Ren’dorei are the ground base for it happen eventually.

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If Blue eyes were the only reason Alliance wanted High Elves, I think the Ren’dorei would be enough for that lot.

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Just as an aside…this is my velf. Her gear stinks because I quit for six months and am currently playing catch up…Mechagon is my personal headache at the moment…two more reps and I’ve got pathfinder…wooo.

Character models have their face and eyes tied together.
It would mean giving them new faces which would need to be designed to be animated. That is far too much work for what is a minor detail.

I actually think with they eye changes to the Ren’dorei they look much better.

yes, literally a few more

as ‘high’ elves are seen speaking with void elves in back alleys and in telogrus rift itself, you can fanfiction your void elf is an alliance ‘high’ elf from any background

when the different skin tones are the justification for the void elf existence as an allied race in the first place, i highly doubt that would happen. why bother creating them in the first place then? youre not going to get blood elf skin tones and void unique skin tones. thats why they lack that skintone, to keep a measure of distance from blood elves(who are the high elves)

the mistake was believing you were ever getting a carbon copy of a horde race. void elves were clearly created as a compromise to the years of begging for access to a horde race. so you got your wish just not in the way you wanted. enjoy your void elf reward. or you know, play the horde :woman_shrugging:

Funny thing is my Ren’ Dorei Looks More High Elfish then your Sin’dorei could ever wish to look like with all my Silver Covenant Mounts, Gear & 7th Legion Gear gear.

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They are the same.
It’s kind of interesting that there are a few who always pop into the topic of Blood Elves let alone if we ask for anything new who insist on making it about the alliance.
It’s not about the alliance…or the silver covenant.
So…I know you have your wonderful gab fest of your own. Hope you enjoy it.

Physically yes, different Politics and Allegiances. but you know that already your just arguing a Dishonest players perspective view of the two. We all know they are physically same but politically /culturally different.

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a political opinion is not nearly enough dude, get real. if it was horde would have playable human fogsail freebooters. the faction concept would be pointless