Can we get blue eyes for blood elves?

And I’ve pointed out the flaws in yours. So touché I’ve never met someone who can’t agree to disagree like I’ve said almost anytime
you’ve spoken and move on and goes out of their way instead to manipulate a narrative via a forum to make said person look bad to the point of trolling, stop.

i actually do want to see a damn argument from your side. besides ‘feels’

the game director literally told you ‘eye color is not the same’ before cracking a joke at your expense barely keeping a straight face responding to this oh so reasonable request to get access to a horde race without playing the horde

your side is the one that freaks out about eye color. there are SC elves with green eyes this moment but no one points it out because no one cares but a tiny fringe group on the forums. no race can own an eye/hair color. get real it just looks desperate. if it mattered they would have changed void elves eye color to purple and not let horde dks have blue eyes or other faces with blue eyes in the first place

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the argument for blue eyed blood elves is not desperate at all. they have been getting bombarded by arcane/holy energies 24/7 from the sunwell for at least 8 years now. magister types with an arcane affinity should be manifesting blue eyes for the same reasons as priests/paladins with golden eyes. the potential is there and everybody knows it

meanwhile your argument is ‘but muh feels’


And yet holy magic acts like a weed in how it moves to stomp out others like fel. Yrel displays this in a living emobidiement so why & when has arcane magic moved to display the same time aggressive behavior to types of magic

You haven’t. I’ve provided multiple examples of what you said did not exist, and you ignored it. This isn’t Uno, you can’t play a reverse card and think it changes your post history.

you need a citation for this. with this logic all high elves would manifest golden eyes regardless of affinity and devotion


That is head canon. You have nothing to support it.


The only desperation here are people who are trying to grasp at straws because they’re afraid Blood Elves might get a new eye color.

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Seems like both sides are desperate then because having 900 arguments as to why you think you should get something reminds me of being desperate for something as a kid on Christmas. It goes both ways

We’re not desperate. We’re simply asking Blizz, politely, if they’ll please consider this option for Blood Elves.
Where is the desperation in that?

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And I’m politely asking Blizzard to not do so

Ah…could have fooled me. LOL

Seeing as you’ve gone about mocking people as part of your argument you could have fooled me too! Its really not that deep so

I was returning the favor.

I have said 900 times to 900 people that ill agree to disagree, so trust me when I say im not the type to start off mocking so you are mistaken.

Draenei are different from Blood Elves. Blood Elf eyes reflect the magic they are “consuming”. When they were addicted to Fel magic, their eyes turned green. When they went to using the Sunwell again, after it was purified by Velen, their eyes turned gold from the Holy magic they were consuming.

The Sunwell also emits Arcane magic, that the Blood Elves are consuming as well. Especially Mages, which is a majority of their population. So naturally, their eyes would become blue from the Arcane magic they are consuming.

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blood elves getting new eye colors is not head canon, it would be reflective of the cleansing effect of the sunwell. it was always going to happen anyway, its literally on record it will fade away it just takes a while to wear off. well here we are 8 years of being bombarded by the new arcane/holy sunwell 24/7

meanwhile your counter argument is a complete joke backed by nothing. the only thing void elves have claim to is the void corrupted high elf theme. a blood elf with blue eyes cannot be mistaken for a void elf so no infringement is possible. a void elf with blood elf skin tones looks EXACTLY like a blood elf and removes any distinction between the two :roll_eyes:

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Its backed by the fact you don’t have it in game still so, also again with the mocking people of their opinions on a matter that’s not that deep

Bro when it comes to Highs Elves and Alliance its a rabbit hole, The Anties want all the lore/ looks and titles and names to everything High Elves and Sin’dorei. They think they are same, they may be same race but different cultures and politics. Even the name Sin’dorei isnt High Elf. No sense in arguing with them.

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Just wanted to bring up a point to those of you who keep saying that the Sunwell has been cleansed and therefore belfs should get blue eyes.

Take a look at the Break The Cycle cut scene. Both Valeera and Lor’themar have green eyes. I would think that Valeera, if no one else, would have gold or blue eyes but in the cut scene she pretty much has neon green eyes. And Lor’themar has direct access to the Sunwell, so if things were going to change I would think he would change as well.

Personally, I don’t care. I like my belfs and velfs just as they are. And since Blizz is coming up with customization (taken with a grain of salt because…Blizz) Horde will likely get them. But if y’all want to show npc sunreavers with blue eyes? Here you go…

I would think that blue eye helfs running around Stormwind would at least be at the same level as blue eyed sunreavers. I also think that putting blue eyed helfs in Stormwind as npcs and having Lor’themar and Valeera having green eyes was Blizz’s subtle way of saying that things are status quo, at the moment anyways. But go ahead and keep dreaming about blue eyed belfs. After all, Alliance players are still wanting sneks, so nothing wrong with dreaming.

edit - not using the title of the last one as a not so subtle dig, I chose it because it showed three of the helfs in the Warfront rather than post individual pics

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