Can we get blue eyes for blood elves?

The real joke is that anyone who plays a void elf imagines Blood Elf customization have anything to do with them.

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I mean Iā€™m fairly certain in the HE thread that has nothing to do with Blood Elves you all come in. Or does it have to do with you? Because BE=HE, but wait VE=BE. And isnā€™t there worgen and orcs and a plethora of all the races taking in on discussions. Yeah. Hmm weird idk

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I mean he got you there bro. If they want to look like their racial leader alleria I donā€™t think thats a prob personally. I wouldnā€™t use it however, Iā€™m wanting void elf dk skins instead

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I have no idea what point you are trying to make but it doesnt make much logical sense to me.

The devs specifically said void elves look the way they do so they arent carbon copies.
Umbric is also their racial lead, and they lopk like him.
The whole helfer cause is people who want blizzard to change the games design for their aesthetics.


Just refer to my last post to you. Itā€™ll explain.

But to elaborate for people I do hold discussions with point in case being arguments can be made on both sides both with valid points, and since Blizzard has not implemented the new BE tweaks neither side knows. But I do acknowledge both sides of this fight have valid points but no sense in trying to start smear campaigns to belittle peopleā€™s intelligence.

It really doesnā€™t dude. On multiple occasions you have ignored information provided to you. So why should you be taken seriously in the discussion if youā€™re going to ignore everything written?

Requesting an entirely new race be added to the game is a very different topic than a simple eye color request for a playable race.

Void elves and what they have has nothing to do with playable blood elves and eye color.

Everyone who plays this game is free to voice their opinions on any matter. Iā€™m not saying that your views shouldnā€™t be posted, I"m saying youā€™re trying to make connections to things that have NO connections.

Your arguments and points are no more valid then others being made to YOU that YOU also ignore because YOU believe yourself to be correct, just like I do. Why should you be taken seriously in this argument? Perhaps because weā€™re both human beings with differing opinions neither of which I might add is proven right yet itā€™s to be determined, so as long as that is so both sides have valid points.

Demonstrate where I ignored someoneā€™s point please. Otherwise, youā€™re just lying about me. Not entertaining the rest of your virtue signaling

You equate me not taking your arguments and bowing down as me ignoring. I equate you doing the same. We have a difference of opinion. Iā€™ve stated multiple times to agree to disagree, I do not reply to your invalid points in this argument, nor do I quote you. We have a difference of opinion, that is not virtue signaling and if it is then I guess I display good virtues. Iā€™ve displayed on several occasions I might disagree with people but I always admit people have valid points while they remain doing what youā€™re doing mischaracterizing me to try to dismiss any points Iā€™ve made.

And thatā€™s fine your opinion is different then mine, you donā€™t agree. I may be in this topic but Iā€™m not replying to you anymore.

Soā€¦you have no examples of what you are accusing me. Gotcha.

Yes because you provide in context examples of the same thing. All you do is cut out statements in quotes [OUT OF CONTEXT TO PIECE TOGETHER A NARRATIVE], which is fine but Iā€™m not playing to your narrative youā€™re creating.

And on top of that you have a hidden profile which is your prerogative but to expect me to jump Bcz you say jump to provide evidence of how youā€™ve reacted to me in this conversation Iā€™m not doing.

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Well yes, because it is to address the various points in your argument. All you are doing is complaining about how I articulate myself in these discussions. Thatā€™s the same as saying you donā€™t like my mog because its blue.

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Seems a bit like there was at least one someone who felt like they needed to try overly hard here. I understand some people might be salty about Blood Elves and so lash out whenever we talk about them. But honestly there was little discussion to be had here with a coupleā€¦who were simply making a poor effort in defense of nothing, mainly because theyā€™re upset with opposition to alliance high elves.

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Seems like there was at least one or two someones who do not respect differences of opinions on a single topic, I understand everyone has a point to make and valid arguments on both sides yet only one side admits both sides have valid points. I do not care about HEā€™s since introduction of VEā€™s, but do care about BEā€™s getting Blue Eyes to the extent of it effectively taking an eye color that belongs to Void Elves. It can be argued it can be brought back to BEs through various reasons, and it can be argued that it canā€™t be or wouldnā€™t be.

Difference of opinions.

Orcs have blue eyes

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[in regards to Thalassian Elves]

But you knew thatā€™s what I meant youā€™re just trolling

you havent presented a single argument backed by lore or dev commentary. your ā€˜feelsā€™ are not an argument


Neither are your ā€œfeelsā€ at least Iā€™m polite when arguing and validate your points canā€™t say the same about this statement you just made, and if you donā€™t want to see the other sides points then thatā€™s your head in the sand either way you still donā€™t have what youā€™re asking for so I guess until shadowlands my side of the argument technically wins by default so like Iā€™ve said before many times

we shall see

Also the if you want to play a HE the horde is waiting for you comment is precedent for situations like this, so thereā€™s your commentary if you want a Blue eyed blood elf the alliance is waiting for you.

I am pointing out the flaw in your logic.