Can we get blue eyes for blood elves?

Blue eyes = alliance aesthetic according to you.
Orcs have blue eyes.

Therefore, they need to remove the blue eyes from orcs.

You mean…not the alien looking skin/hair/tentacles/purple blood?
Eyes are literally the last aesthetic anyone notices because it is tiny on the player model. You are creating arbitrary arguments that the devs don’t even agree with at all.

“If you want to play a blonde haired, blue eyed elf, the horde is waiting for you.”.

Well is the thing that gave them blue eyes, before it was corrupted, and then cleansed.

Blue - > Green - > Yellow.
Yellow is canon now.

Hold on, wait.

Since when is an eye colour crossing faction lines?

Because blue eyes are one of the few things seperating the same model on different factions, your orc argument makes no sense.

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You: Blue eyes are an alliance aesthetic
Me: Orcs have blue eyes, so its clearly not. Ion also said it is not.

Why is it in every discussion you do this thing where ignore things you don’t like?

Guess what? I’m playing a blue eyed elf on Alliance. One that is not a DK. Guess he changed his mind or misspoke.

So Orcs and void elves have the same model now? You really want to go with that?

Since two races have the same model and the main differences are different skin and eye colors?

Um yeah, you do know Blood Elf DK’s have existed longer than Void Elves has.
Plus, there is a few Blood Elves NPC’s in game that have Blue Eyes too.

Eye colours does not seperate a faction, nor eye colours break faction barriers.

hello, just posting on my playable blue eyed blood elf

eye color is not the same. the void corrupted skin tones are the distinction :joy:

You’re dead sweetie. Plus your eyes are on fire now.

am i alliance now as well? blue eyes is a marker for alliance after all, it has nothing to with the magic a high elf is exposed to the most. which currently is arcane/holy 24/7

You don’t have blonde hair or fair skin bud.

You : Blue eyes are an alliance aesthetic
Me: orcs have blue eyes

Shifting goal posts.

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my zandalari has blue eyes too. i must be alliance

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Although I guess Blood elf DKs should remain the closest Blood elves should have to blue elves.

lore/development do you not care about your feels. the only one denying you playing a high elf is yourself

oh, and blue eyed blood elves already exist(non dk)

Do I really have to explain the goal posts each time? I thought it was obvious.

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I like how you admitted to shifting the goal posts repeatedly. This just means you simply have no desire to admit being incorrect on the matter. Blue eyes is not an alliance aesthetic and never has been.


the high elves are NOT a major alliance race and havent been since they left the alliance, changed an adjective, and joined the horde

the sad remnant who remain are not going to be made an AR. ever. void elves were the nail in the coffin

so true. blood elves(who are the high elves) are the most played race in the game. the only measure of their community is their discord which has maybe 200


Blue eyed Thalassian elves, that aren’t undead are markers for alliance. Further more Lore won’t go just for yalls “feels” either and all you have to show for it is still no in game blue eyed blood elves so all you have is hopeful suggestions you use as citations

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