Can we get blue eyes for blood elves?

If HE=BE how is that a BE that participated in fel usage

I was talking about proof on this. There is no news confirming anything for belves.

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there is no reason that story cant be applied to a small group. if you reject that the sunwell has no cleansing effect because of your feels, this is another way to give blue eyes to blood elves. dalaran elves repatriating back into quel’thalas

How about new faces while we are at it. The horse derpiness is so annoying.

No reason why it has to be applied either

Cool I’m looking forward to HE’s via Silver Cov going void to explain HE skin tones!

You mean the ones from the Silver Covenant, that hate the horde and the presence of blood elves in Dalaran so much that they formed a militia to keep a leash on all blood elves there? Those ones that we should repatriate?


a void elf shouldnt look like a blood elf. that is sort of the point

the sc are a fraction of the neutral dalaran population. they have a few rooms in dalaran. they dont even have their own quarter anymore. theyre a joke. no i did not mean them

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I mean that’s my point, that it does work from a gameplay perspective, that’s not my issue. What I am saying is that from an in universe perspective where class is an occupation, Void Elves are as different as DH and DK are from BE’s.

You’d be able to tell them like Alleria lol, and that ship sailed with VE and BE DKs. I don’t think Blizzard will give u blue eyes unless they do some Alleria tones for VEs or not at all I’m leaning to not at all

Then you mean nobody because there aren’t high elves in Dalaran besides them. Currently all the high elves are either alligned to Vereessa (the dalaran ones), Alleria (the outland ones) or are alligned to no one, but are partners of the wildhammer dwarves (Quel’Danil)

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They mean the head canon they use but accuse other people of using lol

funny how that works

You already can, just roll a Void Elf or a DK.

Or a Void Elf DK.

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I just noticed your profile hasn’t updated to the new eye glow. That’s odd…

complete fanfiction. the majority of dalaran high elves are neutral and have no interest in the alliance/horde. they still make pilgrimages to the sunwell after all. you are proof of a pretense that the ‘high’ elves are a strong and important alliance race, a myth that is almost the definition of fanfiction. minor appearances by the same small group of elves have been built into a fake narrative to justify their inclusion as an alliance race, always ignoring the context of those appearances as foils for the blood elves or as part of dalarans forces. the SC were used where it made sense in the story to use them, but they have never done anything exclusively by themselves or for themselves. and now we have 5 new races and customization options to add more depth and texture to the world. the SC are pretty much done, after all why use them now with so many other options?(lol)

oh and that race? its already playable. if it wasnt you wouldnt have gotten void elves

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I love when this subject is necroed every couple of months.

“Blizzard i don’t know lore, but i’m Horde, give me whatever i want”


whats the lore or dev commentary then cezol that denies blood elves(who are the high elves) this small customization option


I’m more than sure you already know Fyre, explaining it to a known lore-troll like yourself is a waste of everyones time, but go ahead and re-read every fight you’ve had with everyone in every High Elf mega-thread, i’m sure you can figure it out. :kissing_heart:


so nothing to cite. im shocked


And were is the reliable oficial source of that? Because so far every piece of writing I found says otherwise, every novel, book or short story say that the crucial (and only) difference between those that take the name blood and high elves is that high elves don’t like or trust the horde and refuse to join them. Even If we assume that not every high elf is alliance (and I disagree with you on that) every elf that choose to take the name high elf hates the horde and would refuse to join them.
As for the sunwell pilgrimage, all elves connected with it have the right of pilgrimage regardless of affiliation, you can see Lor’themar saying that in the nightborne recruitment scenario.
The fact is that high elves are a population too small to be added to alliance and there is no lore backing them joining the horde, they will remain forever in the npc limbo.