Can we get Arachnophobia safe mode?

Well what if you don’t even need to log on and just get the gear?

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snd |/ \

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i have a terrible fear of heights that does effect me in game. light headed, heart in my throat, dizzy and so on. but i would never ask for a safe mode over it. if im on a flight path i walk away for a few minutes so i dont see the height. if im flying i make sure to stay close enough to the ground i dont get that feeling. if im shot off my mount i close my eyes until i hear the THUD of my toon hitting the ground. i find ways to deal with my fear

Then I would have nothing to distract me from my agoraphobia.

See, makes total sense. :crazy_face::woozy_face:

Know that toy that turns everyone into corgie pups?

Now I want one that turns everyone into spiders whenever I use it.


I agree with OP. It’s not easy to do quests with spiders and snakes all over the areas. Please give another option for those who are scared.

Nah, just turn the spiders all into Alan Rickman in a green dress and a bird for a hat


I have a solution to that.

:fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

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i know how you feel, the tarantula ones are the worst by far, usually i do my best to avoid dealing with these type of models, but if i cant, i simple turn away my camera the best i can, use my reflexes do get the job done, and turn an eye out so i dont see the fight directly, i pay attention to the skill bars or something.

Please stop

you´re one of those people who likes to play with the phobia of others…
i wonder how you would like it if you and your family got kidnapped and kept that way for the enjoyment of the bandids, so you can see how you like it.

The toy only works on the user. No one else would see it unless they look at my screen. You would know that if you had the corgie glasses.

My fobia is clowns. So yeah want to tell me how it feels when there is someone that feeds on your fear of something to entertain others. While everyone points and laughs at you and they are making you the ridicule of the room while you are stunned with fear. Cause yeah I know how that feel.

I’m sorry, but if they did that then they would need a safe mode for every real world phobia that technically could exist in game.

good, its not something i would want most people to know about its not pleasent in the slightest.
Although most people who cant respect this do deserve a lesson.

Perhaps instead of asking for a mode change, you could seek some therapy to deal with your phobia.

I had arachnophobia myself. I participated in exposure therapy that was controlled and safe. I am no longer afraid of spiders. In fact, my exposure led to fascination. I now keep tarantulas from around the globe. According to the care spreadsheet I have, I’m up to 35 individuals. This includes my 9" and growing female T. stirmi (Burgundy Goliath Birdeater).


Sorry, I have celiacs and I’m offended that you want to show me a collection of things I can’t have.

Lets just cut to the chase here and make the game truly inclusive. Turn it into a neutral grey rectangle. Should improve performance as well.

Petition to change all spiders to 10 legged tentacle monsters.

That would be actually really cool… You’ve got my vote +1

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thanks for the suggestion but no…
there are nightmares that i rather do not experience both in life and in hell

Bwahahaha this is why I always use spider themed things when given the chance, hunter pets? Spiders. Toys? Spider toys. Still yet to get the spider mount but come Shadowlands I’m shooting for it.

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