Can we get Arachnophobia safe mode?

Omg yes, every time I have to do a puzzle jump type quest or if theres a cliff I get so nervous xD I think to myself, how am I getting butterflies in my stomach like I’m actually going to fall when its a game? Silly, but yea :slight_smile:


i didn’t know i needed this.

i want to be able to change the moth model into something different :smiley:

:butterfly: = :bread:


This, but unironically.

… But not because of claustrophobia. The camera in WoW is just a bastard in enclosed spaces, seeing as half the terrain won’t turn transparent, and just gets in the way, or bumps the camera in ways you’re not expecting.

Until they design with this in mind, tight hallways and the like are gonna suck.


8/10 trolling, pretty good.


A mod for this already exists

Garrosh said it best “You are… WEAK!”

Which is not allowed.

Add ons are allowed what are you on about? Mod is just another term

Changing in-game models is not allowed at all. Addons are completely different.

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Is this legal?

OP is trolling, right? Hard to tell these days.

Never said it changes it like weak auras it just places something over it hiding the model. You can choose bunnies or birds

Is it gluten free bread?

Could you post a screenshot example of this? Because it still sounds sketchy.

Anyone know any organic, non-gmo gaming PCs i can get?

So not allowed to post links, odd as a few months ago I was but oh well anyhow you can check it out on twitch addons it up on that

Lucas the Spider comes to mind:

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That wouldn’t work. Garrison’s are crowded with NPCs.

It would have to be in the outhouse in the garrison.

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My dislike of the eight legged critters allows me to take enjoyment when I am required to hack-n-slash them.