Can we get Arachnophobia safe mode?

It’s really hard to play when I see spiders in this game . It took me so long to get through the spider cave in exile reach .

Please blizzard add an arachnophobia safe mode


Agreed. They should give me an option to turn every spider in the game into clowns, and their webs into cotton candy.


LOL No… I’m afraid of spiders and i got used to it.


You can’t, giant spider/bugs are some of the most common elements in these types of games and we can’t have tailor made “Safe modes” for every player. Some people are afraid of spiders, others are afraid of darkness, some are afraid of falling/heights, some are afraid of crowded places or tight places etc…

If you have to satisfy one, you have to satisfy all and its impossible.


Don’t play EDF…


Why only arachnophobia? There’s a phobia for literally anything so why should people scared of spiders get special treatment?


Can we also get agoraphobic safe mode where we get mythic loot from solo content we can do from our garrisons?


Try Project: Gorgon! You can play as a spider yourself. Maybe this will make you understand them better and realise that spiders are good. =)

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Introducing “Bread Mode,” where every possible thing with a -phobia including blood and gore, spiders, clowns, political drama, poisons, knives, violence, etc, are all rethemed to be bakery themed.


I’m afraid of spiders too. So much so, that if I see one far too big, in my vicinity, I’m liable to start crying.
In 2009 when I first started playing WoW, I rolled Draenei. In Bloodmyst Isle, the cave and area you go through to break cocoons and kill spiders really put me on edge.
However, I got over it because this is all pictures and digital concepts. They cannot hurt you!


Try to imagine them as cute, eight legged kittens.


i remember when i was little i used to play with spiders , have them crawl on my hand and my face. then as i grew up i have a phobia of them

Hey, turn it around and make it a positive thing. Go out and kill every last one of those nasty arachnids. Do it! I promise you’ll feel better.


This is like asking to take away flying or tall areas with cliffs because someone is afraid of heights…


People with claustrophobia need attention too. Don’t make anymore enclosed raids with narrow passages. Everything must be super open.

I’m a believer in facing your fears especially ones represented in digital fashion. What about people with Ophidiophobia? They’ll have to add one to change snakes and will need a similar feature for any other phobia. Not sure why arachnophobia posts keep cropping up lately. I guess if they could easily code an item to turn them into something else it wouldn’t impact anyone else but for these reasons it seems like it would be a ton of work for them.

This is a video game. They aren’t real. Why are only arachnophobes like this?


Soon we’ll be stick figures fighting tofu enemies.


People who afraid of height, open or closed spaces are uncomfortable in games too. On the good side, using VR you can use exposure therapy and finally stop you phobias.

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Learn to channel your fear into anger and destroy the spiders that you come across.


Sure but nobody scared of heights or open/closed spaces ask for special features to be added into the game for them.