Can We Get an Update for High Pop Server?

Seriously, if it’s gonna be a while just tell us. I don’t like sitting in the dark twirling my thumbs in front of 12k viewers.

Blizz! Please Update us, give us an ETA or something, ffs.

This is crap customer service. Your Network people should be fired. Hire new ones.

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They don’t tend to give ETAs because everyone thinks the “E” stands for “exactly” instead of “estimated”.

They’re providing updates as they get them here:


But lets be real. No one is looking into anything. They’re simply waiting for the volume of logons to decrease naturally, as is their way. Hence why there is no useful information being disclosed via any support channel. Just fluff as usual. Joke of a company.


They’ve been “looking into it” for 15+ years. If they haven’t found the solutions yet, you know they’re not looking.

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its a good laugh for sure the guy they have managing is a greenhorn there blowing him up

Its just high pop it looks like…cause all the low pop ones are still good

illidan = down

We should be able to play some time within the next few weeks. This is a small indie company with little experience in launching such a high profile game. Growing pains I am sure.

Incorrect. People on low pop having same issue

100% this. Let the (major) streamers get to 60, play some dungeons, and then the gen pop folks will be let in.

But lets be real. No one is looking into anything. They’re simply waiting for the volume of logons to decrease naturally, as is their way. Hence why there is no useful information being disclosed via any support channel. Just fluff as usual. Joke of a company.

One Hundred Percent!