Can we get an ignore feature back already?

I thought they did too. Which is why certain things like this

Makes me wonder why they said they would or could add anything at all. When perhaps they never really had any intention of doing it since what Dot said is probably close to the truth.

I’m not so sure they even fixed the accounts that weren’t active, but could still post.

Could they have picked a worse forum software? We have all these unnecessary bells and whistles, yet no simple ignore to place on individual posters.

Did they just go for the $100 a month package?

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You can Mute individuals. You have to type in their names in your settings somewhere. Also need to spell their name correctly. =P

I can’t like this enough. A simple ignore feature would be a wonderful addition.

I’m pretty sure that just keeps you from being notified if they reply.

Which is like Ignore since you’re not clicking to see what they said - to clear your Notifications button. That’s just as distracting as “You’ve Got Mail”.

Prevents you from replying and continuing the jibberjabber.

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Lots of rustled jimmies due to forum words.

I miss peopme being able to handle trivial discomforts.

Bring on the ignores, let the flakes have,their safe space

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Not seeing notifications and ignoring threads isn’t what I’m talking about.

You’re still going to come across their posts and some days certain people are very good at being in every thread it seems.

I’d much rather ignore a person and their thoughts all together sometimes.

I’d much rather people could choose to ignore someone than flag their posts because they just don’t like the idea all that much or don’t like how it’s presented or don’t like them from another thread or whatever gets people riled up that day and all of a sudden someone isn’t “trusted” forever and ever.

What a poor poor choice in forum software.

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Call it a safe space all you like. I’ll stick with the reality where the sign says “no stupid allowed”.

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No it’s not like an ignore. An ignore feature takes those parts of people I ignore and wipes them from the forum for me. I don’t want to come across them I don’t want to see them.


Some people lack self control and can’t wait to oppose someone else’s opinion. Then get terribly upset when that person starts replying back to them with an opposing view!! Oh my word, if only people could use some self restraint.

If you don’t like a topic, don’t read it. Being purposely defensive is not good for your mental health. A lot of people on here need to calm down and realize humans like different things. Just because someone likes something different to you, does not make them wrong or you right. It makes them an individual. Choose your battles.


It’s not as simple as you make it out to be. If you’ve got someone trolling the heck of of your topic it’s kind of hard to just ignore it. If you’ve got someone stalking you through the forums(it happens, it’s happened to me) then it’s not so easy to just ignore it.

An ignore feature wouldn’t silence someone, it just makes it so I can’t see them anymore. They can talk all they want, post all they want. Other people will see them, I won’t. Why is that so wrong to want?


It’s about giving players the control to see what they want.

I’d like this not only for myself to use on others, but also so others can censor me if they want to. I’d rather have an ignore than a flag.


Personally there is something I think is needed even more than an ignore future. A feature to automute threads globally across all alts based on keywords. This say say I wanted to mute all threads with the word firefly in them, they just wouldn’t show up anymore. There are some threads, I would just rather never ever see on these forums and when switching between alts, you have to click on and mute the same thread again for it to be invisible.


haha, pretty much :slight_smile:

You already control what you see… it’s called willpower. You just lack the willpower to skip over posters you dont like.

And i thought it was obvious why there is no longer an ignore feature. No one was using it.

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You can ignore people with a custom css browser extension and a tiny bit of css.

If you use inspect element, you can get the user’s id by looking at the data-user-id element of the article tag around the post. then use a browser extention that allows you to apply your own styles to a site, and do the below:

article[data-user-id=“12345”] {display:none;}

^^ just replace 12345 with the id of the person you want to hide, then no posts by that person will show to you.

You’ll still see the headlines (if the person is the OP), and any quoted text of theirs, but you won’t see the posts they write directly. This isn’t a real ignore, but a workaround.

Can always just, I don’t know, scroll past and don’t read posts from people you don’t like. You know, personal responsibility and all that.


The only real use of the ignore function (of old) was that it was account wide and it made it really easy to see people ‘sock puppeting’ on alts.

If you don’t want to hear what other people are saying, maybe you shouldn’t be talking. If what is said goes too far, Report. Otherwise, just use old school ignore, and ignore them with your own awesome mind powers. No tech needed.

with how many issues this forum has had for months? They got bamboozled…