Can we get an ignore feature back already?

I’d argue that, these forums are the wild wild west of forums. We pretty much are the moderators alerting blizz to “bad threads” through the flagging system (which is abused by some).

An ignore feature could alleviate this problem somewhat.


We’ll have to agree to disagree, which is okay. That’s one of the cool things about forums, people have differing opinions.

I would like to add that these forums are extremely tame and heavily moderated relative to some I’ve been a part of though.

Agreed! Nice beard btw.

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I uh - look, personal standpoint, I don’t think this is how this works. It’s really simple to see a name you’re not happy with (on a regular basis) and just skim over their shenanigans. No one’s forcing you to do anything, including acknowledge someone else, or even read their stuff. Just scroll on passed them.

I know there are plenty of people who don’t like me on these forums. I’m aware of that. But I also know I won’t be changing myself for them. So, rather than get into a pointless argument, I’d like to think they just wiggle on passed my thoughts / view point.

Edit: That isn’t to say we shouldn’t have an ignore feature. Obviously, we should. But Blizz has already gone on record saying they’ve been working on it since the first day or two this forum was put into action. All we can do is wait patiently.


Discourse is the base for our forum software. It does NOT have ignore as a feature. The discourse developers are opposed to such a feature. Were Blizzard to try and implement something on their own, it would create complications for future updates to the discourse software. Thus, it is unlikely to ever happen until Discourse actually adds it to the base package on their end.


If the forums had an ignore most mvps would be taking to themselves.


I was just making a funny :wink:

There is the mute button. I have been using it quite a lot lately, makes the post disappear.

I have an ignore feature. Its built in. It allows me to see names I don’t like and just not read what follows.


This is actually a forum gripe I have. Some portraits are way too zoomed in, such as worgen, dwarves, and trolls, while some are way too zoomed out, such as KT and ZT. These portraits look like they were taken by a disgruntled DMV employee.


I totally understand your entire response and respect your opinion but these forums aren’t really public. Posting here requires an active WoW account which means you have to pay to participate. Requiring trust levels is the real insult to me. lol

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You know what? Screw pretensions.

Add Forum Ignore.

Fair enough!

Yeah, I honestly forget that you have to pay to use these forums sometimes.

Yes, though, the trust level shenanigans need to be done away with.

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It’s easy to forget that. Especially when the old forums were having tremendous problems and we got a Blue response that was so dismissive it was insulting. I forget exactly what they said, but something along the lines of the forums being a bonus of sorts. If I get a chance I’ll see if I can track it down.

I love the word shenanigans. :smiley:

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Careful, shortstuff over there might bite you in the kneecaps.

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Blizzard hasn’t release the Ignore Finder part yet and we haven’t begun the rep grind to achieve it.


The amount of people you can ignore will be based on your trust level.

Click on the Bell icon found in every topic. If you have posted in the topic, the icon changes to a Pawprint. It appears both at the bottom of the topic and to the right of the posts. Change it to Mute. You won’t see the topic anymore.

If you don’t want to be notified of someone replying to your posts, click on your user icon in the top right corner. Click on the Gear. Select Notifications on the Preferences page, scroll to the bottom and enter their name into the box.

These are forums that allow unsub people to post. Auto lock certain threads that take a mod to undo. And seem to have many automated features that are rife for abuse.

The only advantage I’ve seen with these forums so far has been certain people that were able to be protected cannot be protected anymore.

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They’re planning on adding it. You get a daily cd with a success chance of the ignore working at .5 %.