Can we get account wide ignore?

And yet other Blizzard forums have been changed. This isn’t the game (re spaghetti code) this is a chat forum that is I have heard now worked by an external company. The fact that it is regularly changed in one way or another shows it isn’t that difficult to reorganise.


yeah if i had to guess, i would expect this to be the case.

i would contact you in game but you are way too important for an elf like me

You don’t know the half of it. That’s only the 3rd or 4th character they’ve done all this on in this thread alone. Some of their characters have been deleted so they don’t have a name anymore, but the posts are still there. Eventually they move on for a few months, but it doesn’t last. That’s one of their favorite things to do - quote Vrak saying sock puppets aren’t prevalent while blatantly sock puppeting for anybody with eyes and a shred of common sense to see.


Pretty sure participants of the pro side have done this as well.

If you’re going to keep playing the blame game, you should ask yourself if it’s worth doing when the overall objective of these changes is building a better community.

And I like how they say “some” as if there’s any real debate on this and not just 1-2 people being party poopers because their thread got shut down (again).


Warbands doesn’t mean account wide ignores necessarily, because it’s a retail thing and not a classic thing.

Final Fantasy and most likely other games are updating their forums to keep up with technology and evolution. This forum needs to evolve into the modern era with account wide ignores.


I would like to add something to dispel the rumors of coordinated flagging.

Continuing the discussion from Are coordinated reports harassment on the forum?:

Continuing the discussion from Are coordinated reports harassment on the forum?:

This was a late edit after lock I hope it gets read and counts towards the feedback but I think a few things need to be added into the code of conduct especially spreading rumors and false information in the forums to cause unrest and chaos especially when it divides the community.


Sometimes I think you just type words just cause, Ard.


There isn’t a single person against account wide ignore that isn’t a troll. The only reason to not support account wide ignore is because you want to swap toons to continue to harass or troll people.

There are no exceptions.


This. :point_up:


what updates? their forums are more archaic than these.
u can only post 20 comments and resets 24 hrs after that 1 comment and the mods use to be really bad.
i got perma banned all bc i said housin was s back in the day lol (and surprise, it still is).
they defend(ed) yoshi p hard

My favourite excuse is that changing it to account wide would somehow be a herculean feat of web design (because forum mechanics are so sophisticated you see).


No thats not it,

My experience of the internet is people block/ignore too quickly i don’t like to do that,

It sucks though when its just someone you just met and you say something they took out of context then decided to ignore you that’s the one thing I hate about the net

Ok, and that wouldn’t change under account ignore…


Only time I ever ignore someone is if they cross significant lines that warrant it. And that may be nearly instant if bad enough.

Usually from my experience, the “context” is exactly what I’ve understood it to be when I made the choice to ignore.

Also, once more because I’ve lost track of how often it’s had to be said… if someone has ignored you, you do not have an inherent right to immediately bypass that ignore intentionally.


So many people online block me for unfair reasons if i had known what I was saying would offend someone or result in them blocking I wouldn’t have said it that’s the point,

That’s why its important to be able to start fresh online

No it’s not. It’s important that you change your attitude so nobody else feels the need to block you. If you can just change your face, why would your change your mind?


You want to start fresh? There’s only one way.

You turn yourself around as a person and let the person who ignored or blocked you make the decision to undo it themselves.

Swapping to continue things, or try to force a restart of things, takes that agency away from the person who blocked you.


But once someone block you its permanent

You are willfully misunderstanding. A block or ignore can be revoked at any point by the person who chose to do so. The correct way to define a block or ignore is as indefinite in most cases.