Are coordinated reports harassment on the forum?

Would such a thing be considered harassment if a group of players were doing this to someone?

Generally, flagging posts is not any kind of violation. Players are allowed to flag posts they feel are against the Forum CoC. There is no requirement that they investigate first, no requirement that they explain why, and nor requirement that their feelings be 100% correct.

Ultimately, it’s up to the mods to decide. One time? No. A pattern of behavior flagging posts that are obviously not against the Forum CoC? Perhaps. There is no “ticket” to open with forum moderation, they are not going to discuss another player’s account, and again, there is really nothing you can tell them that they won’t already be able to see on their end.

Your best course of action is to place them on Ignore, and move on. If you are following the Forum CoC, then you are not going to get actioned.


Yes and no. It’s not something you can report though. You have no way of confirming a specific group is doing it. Them claiming to do it isn’t proof. If you were actually breaking posting rules it would just show that they were vigilant. It can take longer to show a pattern of harassment. The mods would be able to see a pattern of the same players reporting most/all posts of one player.


I am happy to hear that something like this could potentially be considered harassment.

Thank all of you for the detailed responses, it was a help. Have a good day!

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It’s not considered harassment and nothing will happen to the people who are coordinating reports outside the forums.

That answer is totally different from the other responses. Thanks for your reply though.

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That’s because it is correct.

To address someone’s comment in another thread about “false flagging”. Blizzard does not have a category for that because it is not against the rules, so to speak.

If someone is using chars or accounts to flag a post, that is considered abuse of the reporting system. Just flagging you and being wrong won’t get anyone in trouble.


My concern was asking if a group of posters who coordinate reports against specific posters could be considered harassment, especially if it happens over and over by the same posters. My concern had nothing to do with what people call “false flagging”.

I think the others have it fairly well covered but to reinforce this bit.

We keep an eye out for patterns, so we may notice when specific characters/accounts are reporting specific other characters.

At the end of the day, the most other players can do with their report is temporarily hide a post. It is up to the moderator to determine if the post may violate policy or not and either restore it or remove and penalize it.

Keep in mind, there are some posts that we may not penalize but we will remove because they are either off topic, not appropriate to our forums, etc…

I wasn’t aware that you could see who was reporting the post.


If a pattern shows for the Mods then yes something happens. It’s abuse of the reporting system the same way it is in game.


This is great news and I’m glad this is happening.

I cannot see, but I do know of a discord where they call for people to report certain posters. I was in said discord is how I found out about these actions. While I understand that Blizzard could not action someone based off of discord conversations, my OP was in regards to putting in a ticket for possible harassment and giving names of posters who are constantly reported together, which could possibly help a moderator to see a link for these coordinated reports.

I sincerely thank you for your time and that you answered my question.



This thread is just a continuation of that.


My experience shows that that is not the case.

This isn’t really the place to bring drama here. The OP wanted a question asked and got an answer. Bringing general drama here won’t help anyone or anything here.


Speaking from personal experience, they definitely do punish people for it. I tested this myself once and was suspended from the forums for several months. Moderators investigate hidden posts and can see if the characters that flagged the post are coming from the same accounts. They have access to a lot more information than they will ever let on.


I think I know what this is about, actually. Someone else sent me the screenshots last night.

But no, nothing can be done about Discord.

You are not privy to who reports what posts, just the ones you do. Someone saying on Discord that they are doing it doesn’t mean they actually are.

If what is being reported actually violates the forum Code of Conduct, then it doesn’t matter if it’s the same player or group of players reports all of them.

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Thanks, Briselody. As much as I appreciate the intent, let’s not borrow drama we don’t have to. :slight_smile:

Just to note, I do look at folks recent posting history on occasion, to get an idea of where they are coming from. I’ve also been hip deep in a certain thread in general for a bit now cleaning up some of the mess so I am aware of what has been happening this morning.

The accusations about what may or may not take place in a discord isn’t really a factor. We have no jurisdiction there. We’d look at what is happening on our forums, including those posts being reported and yes, we notice who reports them.

I would love nothing more than to take that entire thread apart and counter a lot of the misconceptions, but I’ll stay in my lane.