Can we get account wide ignore?

But they wont change their mind about you if they ignoring you will they

Drop the hasty generalization here.


They can still see people interacting with you. If they don’t because everybody is blocking you, you really wanna look inwards.


Everyone is different, Lilithia. Not everyone is going to see, speak, read or post the same thing. And there is nothing wrong with ignoring people. In fact, ignores are usually the best way to avoid arguments or drama too, and not just limited to the WoW Forums, but everywhere.

If you have a problem with someone chosing to ignore, well, then that is seriously a you problem. I know several people still chose to ignore me, and that is by their choice. Nothing I can say or do can change them. And it is the same thing with everyone else towards you. You can not say or anything to change their minds. If they chose to ignore you, then they have every right to do so.

And since nowhere on the internet have any rules on ignoring users, it shows everyone does have the right to ignore anyone, for any to no reason at all.


The neat thing with ignores on these forums is that they have options for timers, so you can just flip a switch and have someone ignored for a day, a month, a year or permanently.

But as others have pointed out: if you are winding up on a lot of ignore lists, it may be time to carefully reconsider what it is that you are saying.


Well sometimes things you say to one person won’t offend someone but will offend someone else makes it hard

Yes. Different people react differently to various stimuli.

What does this have to do with account wide ignore?


Nothing at all.


If it’s happening that often, it’s more likely a ‘you’ problem and not a ‘them’ problem.

Why would anybody change their mind about you if you won’t change your behavior? When you do or say something offensive, there is no introspection or self-reflection, you just put on a different mask and hope nobody notices.



At this point in time ive taken a total of two people off ignore, because they stopped posting horrible stuff and instead actively talked against it in some way.

There was growth there. I took them off ignore because they weren’t that person anymore.


so, something that i’ve been wondering:

are there any scholarly articles from a noteworthy source discuss the pros and cons of forums that use an account-wide ignore feature?

I’m sure there is. Just look it up. It’s easy


I don’t know? “Account-wide ignore” and “character wide ignore” are not things that would apply to every kind of forum anyway.

It’s easy to find if you search, just like your article.


I’ve been wondering if you actually have the ability to discuss this matter in good faith.


I’m quite sure that post was just to get some attention back on them since it hadn’t been for a bit.


Hello everyone!

I’m on mobile so I’ll repost my suggestion list later, I have another thing to add (surprising, right lol)

Here’s my support for account wide ignore and battletags :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Don’t let the trolls get you down and take care of yourselves, ya hear? Here, have a taco :taco:


Woot! Tacos!


It also allows for multiple outs by them; first of all I doubt that someone has done a comparative study on the value of ignores, Mad can then get lost in the weeds of the study to waste everyone’s time and lastly they can argue that it doesn’t constitute scholarly.

But for what it’s worth I’ve posted on a number of forums over the years that had different handlings of ignore, and the absolute best one was Penny-arcade wherein everything is by default account wide because there is only one “character” and if you try and create alts they will straight up ban you. This combined with a robust, active mod team means that you rarely need to actually ignore anyone.

