Can we get account wide ignore?

Well, I’m not a trained Meteorologist, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

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It would have been pretty annoying if there was any damage, Tuesday I had a nice 3-mile walk after dropping my car off at a shop to get some things fixed up. The weather forecast told me that I wasn’t going to be walking back to the mechanic to pick my car up though. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

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That one is a special kind of special.


We all kept saying as much…


Yeah, they’ve proven time and time again that they won’t respond to anything that actually pokes holes in their logic, even when they’ve directly contradicted themselves.

It’s pointless to engage them at this point I think.


The people who supposedly don’t want account-wide ignore can enforce that by not ignoring people. Simple.


“Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.”

― C.S. Lewis


Having people unironically ask for the ability to block you be an opt-in toggle feature is the most goofy goober thing I’ve read on the forums in a long while.


They’ve pretty much gone "Hold my :beer: ,challenge accepted " on that one


Do not fret my draconian friend.

It is best to regard thier “opinions” as worthy of being filed in file 13.


I prefer Lusty Argonian forum maid.


Every time you post, it just shreds my belief that humanity is going to make it.

Are you deliberately being obtuse?


They absolutely must be at this point. They refuse to address anything of substance, so I’ve given up on them having an actual discussion.


No let the ones that don’t want account wide ignores not have it and those that do want it have it .

But the catch is we get to ignore them either way and they can all just troll eachother.

Edit : Well they did say they want a compromise . So I compromise we get to ignore them and they don’t get to ignore anyone


Cheapest option is to shut down the forums if we’re looking at it that way.

Frees up staff, more efficiency in other work tasks.

Might cause a hit in Blizzards rep but haha I think they can tank it.

I’m sure Blizzard takes that into consideration than the cumulative hot wind thats built up around here, plus its safe to say there is no sock puppet epidemic around here and these concerns are more than a little overblown.

Plus even if they got what they want it wouldn’t stop people from fighting one another or using the account wide ignore to take pot shots at one another.

Imagine if you could just insult or disagree with someone, then block them out with impunity, ho ,ho…it would a disaster in the making and alot more work for the mods.


i dont think these forums can make any changes.
if things were that ez (and it has been explained that it is not) it probably would have been done already.

my guess is still they just need to rehaul the forums bc code is spaghetti.
the fact we can switch chars and other forums aint that special prolly has a lot to do w/ it.
its obv our forums and the others arent the same.


My guess is that they’ll overhaul the forums with TWW or around that time. I heard that they usually make updates to the forums with each expansion? So who knows :dracthyr_shrug:

Actually you are wrong it is that way IRL.

For example I meet you at a bar, you are obnoxious and trolling and perhaps making me feel uncomfortable, I get to move, leave, or tell the bartender and have him remove you, depending on how much of a troll you are being. Thereby ignoring you and never having to deal with you again. You follow me and continue to harass me, I can call the cops and get a restraining order and go to court to have you forcefully ignored.

I, and everyone else on this forum, are independent thinking humans, and none of us have to deal with anyone we don’t want to IRL or online.

You don’t have the right to force me to recognize you, period.

Edit - to be clear I was not accusing the person I was replying to of anything, just using them as the general “you” for the example.


i feel like with such a heated debate this is, someone would have by
now mentioned that updates were coming. at least a bit of good news
but i’m not so sure, right now i cant even get my dk to be updated
and i changed her look like 2-3 days ago now lol. forums so annoying.

just dont be shocked or disappointed if the only thing we get is the tww
banner thing and a buggy forum for a couple of days if not more lol.

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Ah, crap, I forgot to add the armory button to my suggestion list D: Mine hasn’t updated either and it’s been a few days.

Meanwhile, you got people whose armory updates 2 or 3 times in one day :triumph: