Can we get account wide ignore?

Oh, smartphone.

Idk how to do it on those (Satan approved) accused things, but it is possible.

I dont have one, Sorry

I’m listening


Ask for unsalted fries at a fast food place and bring your own seasoned salt.

Massive game changer.

1 Like


But i be damned i keep having problems with these things.

With all the magic tricks i have to do to do certain gestures and such, to find certain options being a needless hassle, and my phone keeps dropping Wifi because it hates me. That last part is so bad, it’s even blocking amber alerts. I had to Airplane mode it on and off in order to get it detecting Wifi.

So glad i got a new phone today.

So i’m guessing data caps disallow you this? Because idk whatelse it might be.

My limited language skills prevent me from explaining further. I can only send information in batches of 1.6mbit. Images are too large to process. My community is isolated so the connection is inferior.

Im using translation.

Oh. Alright.

I post here because i cant play right now due to this.

Sorry Vrakthris :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


LMAO…I take it back…do NOT go to twitter searching for anyone in here trying to see anything.
I just spent the last hour or so browsing from one account to another.
You do NOT want to get that crap in your head. lol.

yeah…NO btags here…EVER. lmao

The only problem is that if you don’t salt fries RIGHT out of the fryer when the oil is still superhot, the salt doesn’t really meld with and become a part of the fries very well. This is why you can dump a ton of salt on cooler fries and have it taste like bland blegh cardboard…plus salt. Rather than the salt becoming integrated into the oil and really flavoring the exterior of the fry.

I occasionally do. Some of my friends/ex friends doing this, occasionally gets attention from people like RedShirtGuy.

I don’t post every single disagreement ever, though, just when it turns to racism or bigotry, then I might talk Blizzard CS and ask them what’s going on.

Fair but with those they usually make those last thing so they don’t sit very long at all.

They still good though. Very hot and crispy. So hot you burn your mouth sometimes! :hot_face:


I understand why people want this, but eventually it just creates your own personal echo chamber of nothing but people that agree with you/like minded. I get people don’t like to be challenged or proven wrong in this day and age, but I don’t think you’re really going to improve the quality of debate the forums are meant to have.

And if you’re so sensitive you can’t handle a few bad apples or someone criticizing your idea then it’s you that should remove yourself from the forum.


Are the forums a tool for debate?

Of course. Besides the share what your listening to threads, most of the threads are ideas that get debated.

I like how your logic is people are just gunna ignore people who disagree with them


Why must we argue?

It has nothing to do with being challenged or proven wrong, it has to do with trolls who seek to upset you rather than have any real conversation or debate. It has to do with people who want to abuse and harass people rather than share their opinions.

People have every right to permanently ignore those people. Having a different opinion is irrelevant.

If you block someone who trolls, abuses or harasses you, they should NOT be allowed to click a button to switch characters and get around that ignore to continue their crappy behavior.


Sure, some will be more selective and only block accounts that toss insults and troll really hard. But there will be some that won’t tolerate anything but agreement. Those people most of all need people that disagree with them.