Can we get account wide ignore?

So because you think someones just gunna ignore everyone else, it means no one should get account wide ignores?

Who cares what other people do with their ignores lmao



I check pvped your character cause “meh why not” and I love the name of your pally alt. XD

I am laughing so hard atm omg

lol I’m surprised that went around the name filter XD hahaha

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For discussing various ideas, yes.
debate, true debate, cant happen here because a huge part of real debate would be ‘trolling’ or ‘baiting’ in here lol.

there are times in a real debate where your opponent has a specific point of view on some detail that will totally undermine their entire position. Ive literally taken 3 days to drag it out of someone before…lol…and to get to that point a lot of what you have to do will be taken as ‘baiting’…because you literally have to set the conversation up where they say something they dont want to say, but youre leaving them with saying it and exposing their joke…or not saying anything…and causing the room to wonder what theyre hiding.

Real debate in any meaningful form will never happen here…so we’re left with tirades and fit tossing when you just have to lay out the facts…ie “you dont actually need X to accomplish Y, end of story”…and deal with the outbursts that follow that with either not talking to the person or just ignoring them to be done with it (my remedy)

In essence, no, this forum isnt for real debate. Its just to discuss ideas and thoughts about the game.

Yay, victim blaming. Because ignoring people is just the worst.


How about I ignore them and report them instead because I’m sorry you do not tell me where I can and can’t go.


I’ll never understand how people think it’s wrong to ignore/block people. No one is entitled to being in someone’s life and people are allowed to cut people out for whatever reason they feel fit.

The fact that some people are super triggered that not everyone wants to deal with them is just sad.

If you don’t want someone in your life, you have every right to cut them out, whether your reason is “right” or not. The problem is that people are super entitled and they get triggered when someone doesn’t want to deal with them.

Instead, they should be reconsidering their behavior or the people they are trying to befriend.


Well this subject comes up year after year and nothing yet. Maybe Blizzard don’t want people being mass blocked. So I guess they do care what people do with their ignores.

Or it’s just something they haven’t gotten around to yet.


Ah yes, the age old “well blizzard hasn’t done anything yet so I guess you guys are wrong” argument :dracthyr_lulmao:

Just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it won’t happen. It’s not something they can do overnight, it’s something that takes time. Plus, the forums are probably low on their priority list.


You’re basically saying you want to control where they can and can’t go.

its not that complex.

  • this forum is sedate until one of two groups show up in here. Its NOT the problem they claim it is. I think responses by blues around have made that kinda clear.

  • this forum isnt likely a huge priority…both because of #1 above and because, well, the game needs fixing, not the forum where adults are supposed to be behaving themselves as adults and shouldnt actually NEED more than we have right now.

Do you… not understand how ignores work?? Ignoring someone doesn’t stop them from posting anywhere. All it does it stop US from seeing THEIR posts.

We don’t see them anymore. It’s not like someone is banned from the forums when we ignore them.


False equivalence. No one is entitled to go anywhere they want or be heard by everyone. No one is entitled to attention from anyone they want, whenever they want.

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You can literally already mass block, so I’m not sure the point you’re trying make

Somebody ignoring you doesn’t effect what you can do at all


If so then what’s the purpose of a thread asking for account wide ignore?

I think it’s stupid I have to ignore the same 2 people over 20 times?

Pretty straight forward


but you can already mass block you said, so I’m not sure the point you’re trying to make

Because its stupid to have to block the same person that many times

If you can’t follow that, I’m not sure what else I can do for you


They aren’t entitled to a conversation with me. If I don’t want to talk to them, I don’t have to. They can talk all they want, but I’m not responding whether they are ignored or not.

Ignoring them just saves me the trouble of having to listen to their nonsense. You seem to be under the impression that people are allowed to continue to talk to people when those people want nothing to do with them.

If you go to a coffee shop and strike up a conversation with a stranger and they ask you to leave them alone, are you going to keep talking? Accuse them of stopping you from having a conversation?

You are not entitled to a conversation or discussion with anyone. If that bothers you, that’s a you issue that you need to work on.

We owe you nothing.


Do you think things like caller ID and restraining orders are unfairly “controlling” people?

Explain why you think you’re always entitled to have a conversation with someone, even against their will.