Can we get account wide ignore?


Oh right forgot you’re in Aussie land. XD


It’s server wide ignore only, if anyone not from the server you’re on or connected to messages you, it doesn’t work. They can also still add you via btag and contact you that way.

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This relies on you accepting an unknown and unexpected friend request.

Something you conveniently forgot to mention, is that if the friend request is declined, this hypothetical 3rd party can do exactly nothing to contact you.


thank you for explaining how that works, i appreciate it.

Yeah, accepting unsolicited btag friend requests is spicy. The one and only time I accepted a random BTag friend request, I got spammed by someone angry that I killed them because I was ‘ruining their level boost service’ that they were running in Warmode at the Cobalt Assembly and how they were telling all of their clients to turn Warmode off so I couldn’t harass them. It was Azure Span sparks of life week.

It was rich.


Which happens, yes.

They can contact your other characters, or contact you from their other characters on other server. Also if you had someone on battletag and you end up removing and ignoring them (Their battletag) none of their characters will be blocked from contacting you.

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Yeah. This is why people have been saying for a good long time to not accept any online friend request if you can’t figure out who or where it came from.


Citation needed.

User error.


Well, I thought that would’ve been obvious when I’ve linked to Australian articles in almost a lot of threads :rofl:


But it’s too difficult to cite things that are completely made up!!!

IF you accept their b-tag friend request, then you’re allowing them to do that. That’s not a flaw in the system, it’s a flaw in the user not engaging their brain for 2 seconds.

Right now though, people can see your posting character, friend you in-game without even asking, send you messages and mail, and even see where you are if you’re logged into the same character.

B-tags are much more secure and meant to be public anyway :slight_smile:

Yay for b-tags!!!


Hey Perl, you mentioned one of the CS Staff said BTags are eventually coming to the WoW Forums, is this something to do with Warbands in The War Within? Can you give me a hint?


What they’ve said is that they want to make some changes. They haven’t specifically said b-tags, but something akin to that and how the rest of the forums work.

Knowing that Discorse has already done the programming for using b-tags in other forums, I’m hopeful that they can move more easily to that here. It’s what b-tags were designed for really.

Only time will tell though. I think that the whole Microsoft thing has likely played a role in the forums not being changed and who knows, they might just do away with them altogether.


Guess only time will tell what will happen in the future.


Be careful with your rationality or the “privacy” and “somebody think of the children” squads will turn up.


Sorry, couldn’t resist


Again I ask, can you or anyone provide a link to this? As far as I know, they said they couldn’t make drastic changes. You’ve said before they were making something “similar” to b-tags. So which one is it? I have not seen them mention anything around the tags, only that they want to do something to the forums. Seems like you’re starting to confuse people if Ayukama thought:

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I’d be interested in seeing a link to that. Since Blizzard doesn’t make ANY of the changes to the forums as they’re made by Discorse now, I’m not too sure why Blizz would say that they “couldn’t make drastic changes” in the context of this thread.

You’re welcome to scroll through this thread to find the linked threads from Blues in the CS forums indicating that they’d like to see some changes made.

It’s understandable that people may mistake my desire to see b-tags here and the fact that Blues have posted about making this forum more like the others as being one and the same.


Could be wrong, but I think he means this thread.


Good morning!

Continued daily support for account wide forum stuff.



I do cause I’m curious what happens.

If they are rude they get reported and blocked. Easy peasy. :smiley:

If not… friend :smiley: