Can we get account wide ignore?

This other thread is although proving why the forums need BattleTags or some sort of forum account identifier.


I’m totally opposite I won’t add anyone unless I know who they specifically are and sometimes even when I might know who they are I don’t accept if I don’t know who they are for sure because not everyone uses the same ID’s for everything so I’m often like who the heck is that, decline and then they’ll be like why didn’t you accept my friend request and I’ll be like oh that was you retry because legit I’m just that way.

It’s best if you can add a note to tell me who you are or tell me in advance what your ID is so I will actually accept, lol.


Ayu is probably wondering why I made her add me in the middle of the night a week or so ago and then promptly decided I was ready for a short break and haven’t logged in since :rofl:


Haha, don’t feel bad, I’ve been saying for months now that I’m going to add her but I still haven’t and we are besties so. :yum: :yum: :yum:


One day, we’ll get around too it. Speaking of which, I need to clean off some apps from my computer. I’m starting to struggle in even finding Steam.


Actually, that’s a really good idea. I’m gonna go a step further, I just picked up a 4TB and a 8TB SSD. Might as well re-install EVERYTHING from the ground up.

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I got a 2TB, but I’m actually going to look at upgrading from a Ryzen 5 CPU to a 7, and from a 3060 to a 4080, as well increase storage to 4TB, since games are getting larger.

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I’m running a Core i7 14gen and a 4070, and yeah you are right games are getting stupid bigger. As for games, I just have wow and Helldivers II installed.

I have WoW and FFXIV that are not from steam, than I have 11 Steam Games installed. Although I still have a TB left of space, with more upcoming releases, I feel like that TB is going to turn into MB soon enough.

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Also tell them that i’ve made a thread a year ago that protects you from unwanted Btags requests. :point_down:

And i’m also back. Well i never left, just been on twitter and watching here.

I think the issue with Account-wide ignore without btags is well… simply this question, how do you know you are ignoring that account?

Baridorielor#1763 for btags.


sometimes people get a friend request from a friendly player they just did a dungeon with and at the same time they get a friend request from someone on the forums - they don’t know which one is which and accidentally accept the one from the forums.

That is what I was thinking the other day, like, how would the account wide ignores work on the forums when the forums work differently to how the game does. Since the forums work where we’d need an account, it leaves us with either adding BattleTags to the forums, or another form of way to identify the account.

Now, truthfully, I don’t think we need to reinvent the wheel when there is nothing wrong with the original wheel, so BTags would have to be the answer.



Also to answer up there, it was linking two armories that got to me. Dunno why it was fine the other times, but it isn’t, but at least it confirms my suspicions.

And Blizzard’s response to my query on how to deal with sockpuppeting wasn’t too helpful. (Which is report as spam)

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I think the point of the compromise of account-wide ignores without battletags, is so that we don’t really know, but we just automatically block all their alts, so the anti-battletag but pro-account wide ignore folks can be happy.

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But how do we know if we really blocked or ignored them?

Wait until they alt-hop and talk to you? Look for Hidden replies and try to piece it together? Maybe that’s the expectation given here, but it sounds like to me it would confuse things more then it will solve without Btags.

If it were you can only see it in ignore list, then maybe i guess.

You would simply see that an alt is blocked, which would let you know that you blocked this person before on another apt. You wouldn’t know without detective work, such as unblocking random people and seeing if it unblocks the alt.

I “thought” that this was a point of compromising but idk.

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I think the biggest problem though is the way the forums were purposely designed, and I am talking about with Discourse. They were obviously designed to be posted from an account, and all the forum features that come with it, are designed to be an account level. As you linked earlier with a quote from Vrak, when requesting for people to continue posting from characters to continue the way the WoW Forums have always been, where we’ve posted from our characters, it came with a whole lot of problems, which in this case, treated the characters as the account, rather than the BNet account as the account.


why do you need to know? just ignore them and move on.

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That’s kind of the problem if you (general you) want to eliminate this.

It’s rather nebulous on our end, while it’s cut and dry on their end. (Despite them not seeing Btags) :thinking:

And just to talk about another comment you’ve made done there…

I don’t condone attacking.

Granted, “attack” has been muddled and misused to mean pretty much anything like disagreements. But any criticism, whether it be reasonable and/or harsh, don’t give other people the right to attack.

Even if it’s posted up on Twitter to laugh at, doesn’t mean others should attack the person. If anything, my criticisms on people on twitter as of late from the other side, are only to avoid being. An example not to follow.